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I was curious what kind of wake can you get out of a 196 with about 800lb's of fat sacs? Will it have a nice wakeboard wake? WOuld it be better than my 83?
The same hull bottom is used from 1997 to 2002. The boat is pretty sensitive to side to side weight distribution. You probably will need some smaller side sacks alongside the engine cover, all the weight in the back will make it ride bow high.
I know you didn't ask...but, the surf wake is really pretty good on these boats. Need a bit more than 800 lbs, whether it's people or fat sacs. (I have a 750 in the rear and 260-520 on the surfside. (A 260 fat sac plus a couple of small people or 2 x 260 fat sacs if it's just myself and a buddy. Starboard side is far better due to prop rotation. -Marc
I had a 1997 and we would put 700lbs in place of the rear seat. It was not a MONSTER wake, but it did the job. I don't have any pics of the wake, but have a couple of us behind it. 60ft rope and 20mph worked the best. We never tried to surf it.
your '83 will be much much better for wakeboarding.
Yup. Not only will it take more weight for the larger hull to make an equivalent sized wake, but I just dont see how you'll ever get the shape to be as good. CC did a great job with the TSC hull in regards to the slalom wake- they made it small and rounded... exactly what you dont want for wakeboarding.