Bought my 96 Sport in the fall of 99 it had 9 hours on it. Sold it in 2008 with about 400 hrs. I loved that boat, everything was easy to get to, no major problems. I was ready for a vdrive, ballast and tower, plus the family was growing. My 04 SANTE has enough for my riding level. I doubt I'll upgrade for myself, but if the kids start to progress I'd consider it.
- Sep 2012
- 736
- Indianapolis Indiana
- 1986 2001 ski nautique 68 correct craft skylark
My 86 2001 has seen 7 summers so far. I used to put a bit more hours on per season. I think since I made my initial investment it has required an ignition switch, a starter soleniod, and one battery. Almost 600 hours since I've owned it. Hull and Transmission have over 1400 now I believe. It does exactly what I need it to. Barefoot, Slalom, Wakboard and Kneeboard. It also serves as a floating radio for hours on end by the sand bar.
If I ever upgrade that old girl will still be with me. As my first boat at age 19 I don't think I could part with it.[EMAIL=""][/EMAIL]