Here's a couple pics of my '87 BFN. Started life from the factory as a Barefoot Nautique but decal'd as a Dominique as the original owner (who I bought the boat from) did not like the BFN decals. He gave me all the original owner's paperwork including bill of sale from S.E. Correct Craft and there's a cool little note at the bottom of the original invoice that says: "Needs Dominique decals". Everything else says Barefoot Nautique including hull ID, capacity placard, and invoice so I decided to bring her back to what she should look like. Has 427 original hours, 351W motor (no big block ), new interior including carpet, rear dogbox cupholders!, and stereo. Also put on a new Acme 540 prop to wake her up some. The boat is in excellent shape and I'm excited to get her out for the 2013 season.
These things were the first to go!
The PO decided it was a good idea to seal the teak......ON THE BOAT????
So I had to fix it.
Just buffed her out and put on the new BFN decals today, what a PITA!
These things were the first to go!
The PO decided it was a good idea to seal the teak......ON THE BOAT????
So I had to fix it.
Just buffed her out and put on the new BFN decals today, what a PITA!