G23 with 4 racks possible?

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  • wakeboarder3780
    • Jan 2013
    • 66

    • SC

    Quinner, every boater is responsible for the damage they cause created by their own wake as it pertains to law. If I swamp a boat it's my fault and I am liable to help the other party in trouble by law. As for your question about skill, if you would read your quote from me you would have my opinion. Sure seems a lot of folks around here don't like opinions contrary to theirs.

    iron, have you used the fly high 1100's by chance? http://www.wakemakers.com/fly-high-jumbo-surf-sac.html Would love to hear they don't require reinforcement as well (would likely only be used for surfing).

    As for the boards in compartments, apparently I am failing at effectively communicating my stance. I absolutely will not store a board (surf or otherwise) in a compartment, no exceptions. That is how I choose to run my boats and I have my own reasons which I won't even waste my time typing as we can see how popular my opinion is around here anyway...

    Edit: grammar


    • Quinner
      1,000 Post Club Member
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      Originally posted by wakeboarder3780 View Post
      As for your question about skill, if you would read your quote from me you would have my opinion. Sure seems a lot of folks around here don't like opinions contrary to theirs.
      Originally posted by wakeboarder3780 View Post
      I will add extra ballast to the boat and thats end of story. No offense intended, but I do not need your nor any other boaters permissions to do so. I don't care if other people that see me ride think it's "more than I need". It is my personal choice to build a wake (wakeboard and surf) as big and as bad as I want to and can afford to do so. Wakeboarding is my passion and part of that for me is pushing boats to their limits and seeing what they can really do.

      I would like to "challenge" the notion that others think they should decide what size wake other people need. If you don't like the extra big wakes that get created, get off the water.
      Sorry for the misunderstanding, did not intend my question to be about opinion nor was I offering mine in any way, simply wondering if skill level plays a roll in your decision while building a wake??


      • wakeboarder3780
        • Jan 2013
        • 66

        • SC

        For my own personal wake building, skill does factor in to a degree. That being said it's probably not the way you're thinking of. A lot of people talk about how u should only have a big wake if you're able to throw trick X. For me it's more about what's fun and to me fun might be getting booted high and doing a long tweaked out grab. So for me the only amount of skill that factors into my personal methodology is "can I handle the wake without freaking out". The reason I don't like defining skill levels for others is because other people might have a different definition of fun. For instance i know a guy at work who used to wakeboard occasionally with us. His definition of fun was getting the wake as big as possible and hitting it as hard as he could regardless of what happened. His nickname became "the wrecking ball" because he was so abusive with his body it seemed like he just want to be flung around - but that was his level of fun and I support that even if i personally think it's a bit masochistic, haha. Sure was fun to watch him ride though, wish I would have taken more video and pictures. I will also say an oversized wake is a very good training tool for some tricks - first of which comes to mind is the raley.

        Edit: Spelling. Stupid phone
        Last edited by wakeboarder3780; 01-28-2013, 04:20 PM.


        • perry386
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          Originally posted by wakeboarder3780 View Post
          I don't understand what you mean by "challenge" it. I will add extra ballast to the boat and thats end of story. No offense intended, but I do not need your nor any other boaters permissions to do so. I don't care if other people that see me ride think it's "more than I need". It is my personal choice to build a wake (wakeboard and surf) as big and as bad as I want to and can afford to do so. Wakeboarding is my passion and part of that for me is pushing boats to their limits and seeing what they can really do.

          I would like to "challenge" the notion that others think they should decide what size wake other people need. If you don't like the extra big wakes that get created, get off the water. Lakes are public areas where everyone can go to have fun. You hear fishermen crabbing about watersports. Watersports people crab about the fishermen. Skiers hate the wakeboarders because they make big waves. Wakeboarders and surfers hate jet skiers because they get pestered by them constantly jumping their waves. Anyone who skis, or boards hates tubers because they're generally cutting all the water up and making waves everywhere. Personally, I think we could ALL stand to have a little more tolerance.

          As long as people are being *safe* I don't feel it's my right to tell someone how they should have fun on the water. I love being on the lake, but I understand its a public waterway and I don't *own* any of it - even if i own lake front property on the lake that doesnt mean I own the water in front of me, in fact the law is clear that people have the right to walk right on shore to walk around the lake and if my dock is in the way, they can walk up onto my land to get around it. The laws are very clear - no one owns waterways and I think it's time we all start allowing everyone to enjoy it however they see fit.

          BTW anyone who thinks you won't get a benefit for surfing by adding a *lot* of additional ballast to the rear surf side locker is fooling themselves. NSS and Surfgate technology is all great for a casual rider. But if you want a big wave, *nothing* beats heavily listing the boat like we used to.

          Its funny how all of this started as a guy asking if he could simply get four board-racks on his G23!


          • V8 Killer
            • Jan 2013
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            Always good to see a fun and mutual hobby of everyone's derailed by some childish bickering and e-measuring of our male parts.
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            • perry386
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              Originally posted by V8 Killer View Post
              Always good to see a fun and mutual hobby of everyone's derailed by some childish bickering and e-measuring of our male parts.
              ^^True Story^^


              • wakeboarder3780
                • Jan 2013
                • 66

                • SC

                I apologize if I offended anyone. In my mind I was just trying to respond to questions directed at me. I did try to bring the thread back on topic earlier as well. Again, sorry if I offended anyone.

