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If you want factory original skins, I know you can get them from Mid-West Correct Craft. You might also check with Mid-Ohio Watersports. Tell them you're a PlanetNautique member and they'll give you a 15% discount.
I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.
If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!
I did some leg work on it last year - my local upholstery so said it would be less $$$ to get a replacement from Nautique. Waited for a color sample - nothing ever showed up. But, I also seemed to forget about it. Once again, it's a high priority so I'll let you all know what I find.
I did some leg work on it last year - my local upholstery so said it would be less $$$ to get a replacement from Nautique. Waited for a color sample - nothing ever showed up. But, I also seemed to forget about it. Once again, it's a high priority so I'll let you all know what I find.
Thanks guys.
Wow, really? Thats a funny thing for an upholsterer to tell you. I got a quote from a local upholsterer for $1500, which included new wood and foam. I think the skins alone from CC will be well above that, but I'd be interested in what you find out.
as of right now, i have 1000 invested in my interior. i got an upholstery shop to stitch together the covers. i rebuilt all the wooden parts myself and personally installed the covers. the shop did a fantastic job and i was completely amazed at the quality.
they said they would charge 650 to install the covers, but i passed on that. it is fairly easy to do.
so for a complete interior, 1500 sounds about right. for just the engine cover, i would say around 150 for a custom job. i have no idea what cc would charge, but i doubt that it would be very cheap
Midwest CC has the templates for the engine box. All my other skins had been replaced when I purchased the boat about 4 years ago and are in great shape.
Midwestt CC is charging about 250$ for the engine hatch and it's about 8 weeks to get them. I should have them mid July.
I did speak w/ Mid Ohio Watersports... no luck there.