My build- 2002 SANTE - audio,interior and ballast

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  • saceone
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • May 2008
    • 650

    • Montréal

    Pretty much yes! I put the rear bench's base in place and tucked the battery box against it with just enough room to remove the battery and the cover. Ideally I would of relocated it to the other side since the starboard side is always empty (pretty much everyone in my crew rides regular) but I didn't want to play with the perko switch and buy longer cables...!


    • G
      • Aug 2006
      • 173

      • Mebane NC / Hyco Lake

      Man,,,, Thank You... I'm glad I'm not the only one scratching their head when it came to the empty pump. I just got my wakemakers kit in for a 03 SAN210. Everything was self explanitory except that. I screwed the pump directly into the bag but it didn't seem like a tight enough fit. They are just laying in the floor cause I haven't finished the boards for the hole in the back where the pumps were. So I'm going to go back and look at doing the drain pump like you did. . . Thanks for the pics and explainations......


      • saceone
        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
        • May 2008
        • 650

        • Montréal

        Nothing a bit of redneck engineering can't fix, right?! I'm pretty sure the epoxy is overkill but you can never be safe enough when it comes to water inside the boat. I am sure there's more esthetically pleasing ways of doing it but I like to build custom stuff haha.


        • nyryan2001
          1,000 Post Club Member
          • Mar 2013
          • 1993

          • Lake Anna

          you gotta be a professional mechanic of some sort... in close proximity to other mechanics... no one else ugly spray paints all their stuff weird colors for quick ID of your stolen or "forgot to return to you" stuff. my folks do the same thing.

          your LED install... so you just taped and zip tied them up underneath the plastic trim in various places? does the 1 remote control both strips of are they separate frequencies.
          2019 G23 450
          2014 G23 550
          2013 G23 450
          2011 Malibu Wakesetter 247
          2007 Yamaha AR210


          • saceone
            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
            • May 2008
            • 650

            • Montréal

            General contractor haha but thanks.

            I zip tied the strips to the speaker wires underneath the gunnels. Yes the one remote controls both strips since they're hooked up together.


            • obd666
              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
              • Feb 2010
              • 793

              • Bostian Heights, NC

              • 03 SANTE

              well done saceone. i applaud your use of the zip tie, as we know they hold the world together.

              Originally posted by G View Post
              Man,,,, Thank You... I'm glad I'm not the only one scratching their head when it came to the empty pump. I just got my wakemakers kit in for a 03 SAN210. Everything was self explanitory except that. I screwed the pump directly into the bag but it didn't seem like a tight enough fit. They are just laying in the floor cause I haven't finished the boards for the hole in the back where the pumps were. So I'm going to go back and look at doing the drain pump like you did. . . Thanks for the pics and explainations......
              have been thinking this over lately too. i've seen where guys screwed the pump directly to the sac, but this doesn't seem ideal for several reasons. the empty port is on the end of the sac it looks like and not on the bottem. this would have the pump expanding backwards when the sac fills, possibly restricting it and stressing the pump. since im planning on covering up the cavity back there anyway, i planned on leaving the pump underneath and running a short connection up to the empty port. this is what it looks like saceone did.
              2003 SANTE - "OG 210"


              • G
                • Aug 2006
                • 173

                • Mebane NC / Hyco Lake

                saceone, Your thread has been great, and thanks for the pics and info.....

                Obd666, Your on the money with that. Yeah I stopped my install to think about it, after I screwed the pumps into the bags... It just didn't seem right that way. For one it would be permanetly attached to the bag and removing it to clean would be difficult, and for the reasons you said. Going to go home today and get back on it......

                Also I got the bow filler sac. I was under the assumption i could plumb it in using the over flow from my middle tank, but wakemakers didn't say if that would work or not, and that I would have to manually fill it.... Has anyone got any idea if that would work or if there is enough pressure from the over flow to fill the bow sac? I have a extra through hull port that I could use to add a extra pump for draining the bag...

                Come on warm weather.... I'm ready to try all these new toys out......


                • obd666
                  Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                  • Feb 2010
                  • 793

                  • Bostian Heights, NC

                  • 03 SANTE

                  Originally posted by G View Post
                  Also I got the bow filler sac. I was under the assumption i could plumb it in using the over flow from my middle tank, but wakemakers didn't say if that would work or not, and that I would have to manually fill it.... Has anyone got any idea if that would work or if there is enough pressure from the over flow to fill the bow sac? I have a extra through hull port that I could use to add a extra pump for draining the bag...
                  yeah, i would just go overflow/vent from center tank to the sac in the bow, and then vent the bow sac to where the center tank vented originally. the pump for the center tank should empty them both, so that should be all that is necessary.
                  2003 SANTE - "OG 210"


                  • saceone
                    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                    • May 2008
                    • 650

                    • Montréal

                    ^^I agree. I wanted to do that, I might just throw one of my extra 350# sac under the seats (port side of the bow) but I have enough on my plate haha.

                    As for zip ties. I am a vw/jeep guy, I know how crucial they are!!!! I'm only 27 but they're among my list of must have in my toys


                    • G
                      • Aug 2006
                      • 173

                      • Mebane NC / Hyco Lake

                      Ok.... Just finished the rear bags.... Tossed around many ideas about the drain pumps... This is what I ended up doing. Went to Lowe's and got some PVC fittings and some tubing to connect the drain pump.... The boards in the back are not mounted down incase I want to change it up after I try it at the lake...Not sure how much stress the bags are going to have on the drain pumps but they can move alittle if the bag pulls on it when it full.. We'll See.... I have to order more connectors from Wakemakers before I can plumb in the front bag...

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                      • obd666
                        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                        • Feb 2010
                        • 793

                        • Bostian Heights, NC

                        • 03 SANTE

                        that looks good G ... did you end up cutting out the cooler up front?

                        *edit* oh yeah, i just looked back at your report about how much fun it was. am still hem hawing around about doing mine ...
                        Last edited by obd666; 03-29-2013, 09:27 PM.
                        2003 SANTE - "OG 210"


                        • crobi2
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 337

                          • Texas

                          • 2000 Super Air Nautique

                          Looks real good, that ought to work.

                          I've always just screwed the impeller type pumps into the bags when using them for draining. I've been doing it for more than 10 years with all kinds of sacs. The pumps are tough - they can take whatever punishment they get back there and they stay primed 99 times out of a hundred.

                          I do agree that the fly high bags with their special threads take either a lot of Teflon tape or you can just use PVC glue on the treads.
                          2000 SAN


                          • saceone
                            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                            • May 2008
                            • 650

                            • Montréal

                            Looking good g

                            So not much has been done lately, waiting for a bit of nice weather to take the boat down for maintenance and make it water ready. Then I will reinstall what's left of the upholstery and wait on my new cushions


                            • ViSoR
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 266

                              • Montreal, Quebec, Canada

                              Long weekend with no update, what the deal yo?
                              2008 SANTE 230
                              2005 SAN 210 - Sold


                              • saceone
                                Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                                • May 2008
                                • 650

                                • Montréal

                                You make a good point. I guess I decided to be a wise(r) man for once and spend some time with the lady.... That way when it's time to put everything back together she won't be as mad.. This weekend was basically an investment for the future, lol

