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Has anyone purchased a cover for a san lately? Any recomendations? overtons has a decent selection but i dont know how will they fit. any help would be great
Andy, just got a cover 2 weeks ago from Whitelake. I ordered it in Cadet grey Sunbrella for about 400-450. It has boots that go about 1.5' up the tower legs w/ velcro, covers the platform, draw string, and buckling straps for tiedown. It is reinforced with some heavy black vinyl for the window frame, ski pole, and where you can snap in reinforcement poles. Right now it is tight enough that I don't need the poles though. I can send you some pics soon.
i would love to see some alan if u have them. i emailed them this morning and they said they had one that was grey duck and the other was sunbrealla. i was wondering if anyone had ordered one from anywhere but the dealership
i can second the idiots and inconsiderate sob's at san v...
was there last sunday with tylero and some others.. we stayed overnight to get a early jump and course pass...
when we came back to out beach location to have lunch, it was overun by 3-4 boats and 25 people (drunk & loud music) - tyler had his wife and 2 younfg daughters...
they didnt want to move their boats so we could beach the boat...not to mention we got dirty looks and attitude...
i have never had my beach spot "snagged before....very, very, uncool...
I wish I could get a hold of the company that manufactures MC's covers. They are incredible.
Anybody happen to know who makes them or where I could get a similar one? I've contacted the guys directly in Tenn., but they won't release any information.