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I'm building it. I'm looking for older models as well as new. Please include year and model with as many pictures as possible. I want to get this going ASAP.
M3Fan, I got your photos. That's what I really need, the older ones that aren't easy to find on the net. I'll get through all your galleries eventually.
hey man I sent you a HUGE email. I hope it goes through. I have literally a couple hundred pics, that I have been collecting off various websites, including boat trader, and flipsell the last couple of years.
When you do a search on Ebay if you will see a link for saving the search and from there you indicate if you wnt the results emailed to you. I've been a member a few years so it may not be available if you not a registered user.
I am 80% done with research, I think I've found everything there is to be found besides the 97+ SN's on www.boattraderonline.com. I maxed out my tools account that hosts the webpage today too. I was transferring all my files over (most bitmaps) and it stopped at 300 Mb. Once I crop the big ones and change them all over to Jpegs, I'll have plenty of room. I just wanted to let y'all know I haven't given up yet despite the swamp I'm still in.
Also, If anybody has any knowledge of specific design changes over the years(skinautique...looking in your direction), let me know, I'll be including this information along with all the pictures of various models/years.
I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.
If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!
Nice find Jeff, I saw that gem on Ebay too the other day. I'm pretty deep with anything from the 80s on. The 60s/70s era I still don't have that much of. There were so many models and so much information I still don't know! CC is no help either, they don't have anything on file from the past.
I see you've committed yourself to one lake finally too. Finally settling down eh? Nice avatar too.
The first Ski Nautique was produced in 1960 by Leo Bentz. In 1961, CC bought the molds and name, etc. They were also producing the American Skier at the time. I believe the Ski Nautique got their first hull change in 1965. The next came in 1970?? Look at the brief history on the home page and that will give you pretty good info there. I will work on digging up some pictures for you.
If you will be able to add, i can probably get you some pics on a '77, all original i very good shape that belongs to a guy on my lake. It will be a few weeks to a month before I can get them though...
On CC's website, they say Leo made the first SN in 58, but Walt didn't buy it until he returned in 61 again. So did CC start making the fiberglass CCs right away? I see they still made wood boats through the 60s, and haven't come across any 60s fiberglass "Ski Nautiques". I do notice though however that the Barracuda and Mustang were fiberglass in the 60s. I'm waiting for tryan to chime in here, he's the antique CC guru.
Thanks for the pics all, keep them coming. I've over 1200 files, mostly exterior, with a few interior of each year/model.