Wind has an affect.
No wind - natural convection....
Wind - forced convection....
Forced convection has a higher heat transfer coefficient than natural convection. That's why fins work so well....although fins help with natural convection also...just not as much.
Case closed.
IIRC, Wind chill factor is predominately driven by a objects moisture content. As cold dry wind blows by, moisture evaporation occurs more rapidly and evaporation causes the moisture to drop to the dew point of the air at those conditions (IIRC - man I'm getting old).
Rub your hand with some alcohol and wave it smoking while trying this trick.
No wind - natural convection....
Wind - forced convection....
Forced convection has a higher heat transfer coefficient than natural convection. That's why fins work so well....although fins help with natural convection also...just not as much.
Case closed.
IIRC, Wind chill factor is predominately driven by a objects moisture content. As cold dry wind blows by, moisture evaporation occurs more rapidly and evaporation causes the moisture to drop to the dew point of the air at those conditions (IIRC - man I'm getting old).
Rub your hand with some alcohol and wave it smoking while trying this trick.