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Can you read this and give try to help me please ???
That is an awesome boat! I really miss my Sport Nautique (same boat different graphics) I think I have a Wake shot with only 500 lbs in the trunk which is about what the stock ballast is in the Air Nautiques.(400 lbs)
This boat IMO will take you as far as you need to go in wakeboarding. The only draw back to it is, yes, the ballast situation. It will be fine for you if you are just getting into a few inverts and bigger spins (540's) but after that you are gonna wanna buy a few fatsacs or invest in some lead. I always ran about 300 in the bow, 550 in the back trunk. (My boat didn't have the Ballast system.)
I had a 98 Air Nautique. http://planetnautique.com/index.php?...iewtopic&t=182 It came from the factory with a gravity fed tank in the rear locker and a tower. Yes the tag reads Super Sport. The Perfect Pass on mine was the RPM version. It doesn't work all that well when compared to today's version and I ended up upgrading. When running we would put a side sac in the floor storage locker and and a fat sac in the rear locker (with the factory tank filled). It threw really well. Less vertical than today's Super Air wake but hard and clean. The GT40 is a great motor! And 290 hours seems low. 26 seems in the ball park as it looks pretty clean, perhaps offer 24? Check NADA - and the boat. Hope this helps.
The person who said \"Money can\'t buy happiness\" never rode behind an \"OLD\" 210.
The 98-02 sport/air's have the TSC hull which was designed to improve the slalom wake, and it did improve quite a bit. However this hull can still put out a very good (somewhat steep)wakeboard/surf wake when weighted properly. I ride behind a 99 and an 02. The 02 has factory ballast (400 lbs), fat sac in rear locker (700 lbs), and new this year side sacs (250 each). The side sacs may be overkill, but if you don't have enough friends around they help for surfing. These boats are great. The gt-40 is bullet proof, and they handle very well. They aren't capable of the giant wakes put out by some of the v-drives, but they handle a lot better and if you care to ski, they are great. You can have a custom sac made to fit in the rear locker and floor locker as well, from bigwake.com.