I've got an '06 SAN 220 with the ZR6 motor in it. I was wondering if there are any aftermarket exhaust options for it. After hearing my neighbors Python 502 in his Ski Nautique, and my friends Mastercraft X46, I'm jonesing for a louder exhaust note. Any ideas?
LOL, have the NVS Tyrants, they made some great speakers!!
One of the coolest exhaust upgrades I have seen to date was TRBenj converted his 90SN to Dual Exhaust, he added HiTeks and ran 4" stainless out the back, sounded better then any inboard I have ever heard, including a Python, sounded like an offshore boat and it has a holeshot to back it up. Up until he completed his BBC BFN did I hear anything meaner.
If you really want to make it happen, change out the exh manifolds and lose the muffler.