Were looking at a 2000 Air Nautique and had a couple questions. 1. The boat is currently winterized so are there some things we can check when we look at it, or is water testing it the best way? Also what are things to look for and check, I know the gauges faded real bad. She also told me they fixed a couple props so could this damage other things? It has approx. 700 to 800 hours on it and does need a few minor interior things fixed so whats a going price on these? There asking 15k for it.
2. We currently have a 83 SN and would we see a huge difference in room performance ect? We were looking into a Super Air but I thought the price on this one sounds pretty fair.
2. We currently have a 83 SN and would we see a huge difference in room performance ect? We were looking into a Super Air but I thought the price on this one sounds pretty fair.