2000 Air Nautique

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  • rman56
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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    • 2002 SANTE

    2000 Air Nautique

    Were looking at a 2000 Air Nautique and had a couple questions. 1. The boat is currently winterized so are there some things we can check when we look at it, or is water testing it the best way? Also what are things to look for and check, I know the gauges faded real bad. She also told me they fixed a couple props so could this damage other things? It has approx. 700 to 800 hours on it and does need a few minor interior things fixed so whats a going price on these? There asking 15k for it.

    2. We currently have a 83 SN and would we see a huge difference in room performance ect? We were looking into a Super Air but I thought the price on this one sounds pretty fair.
  • s_kelley2000
    1,000 Post Club Member
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    • 2012 Super Air Nautique 230 1999 Nautique Super Sport with 502 Python (for Sale)

    I am more in tune with the SAN market than the Air but that does sound like a pretty good price. I assume it has PP, FCT Tower and racks? Whether or not it had factory ballast wouldn't make much difference to me since the ballast systems of that vintage leave a lot to be desired and I'd end up starting over with bags and new pumps anyways. Can you still read the hours on the gauge or are they too far faded? If it's a GT40 there is no other way to verify those hours, unless they were also tracked on the PP. Either way I would want to see some service docs to back up the hours claim.

    I wouldn't buy a boat without water testing it. If you are serious about buying and the seller is serious about selling you should be able to work something out where you would pay to re-winterize if you don't buy it unless there is something majorly wrong with it that he is hiding. You can do a compression test but if the engine was fogged when it was laid up I don't think you will get an accurate reading unless the engine is warmed up and the fogging oil is burned out of the cylinders.

    Any prop hits could cause alignment, strut, shaft or even transmission issues. Usually the prop takes the brunt of it and as long as they didn't continue to run the boat with a damaged prop for a long period of time then the rest of the drive line should be ok. There is a good video on CCF about how to check alignment so that is one thing you could do on land. Before going to that you should try spinning the prop by hand and it should spin freely. If you hear a whining or grinding noise it could mean you have to replace the cutlas bearings soon which involves removing the shaft. But if I was buying I would really want to run it to check for vibrations and give that engine a could test.

    I assume this price includes a trailer? If so what condition is that in?

    2012 Blue Metal Flake SAN 230

    1999 Black and Tan Python 502 Powered Super Sport (for Sale)


    • rman56
      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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      • 2002 SANTE

      It does have FCT tower, racks ect but does not have PP. I might take a look at it this weekend but not sure still thinking on it. Yes it has a single axle Dorsey trailer. Were waiting on more pics before we go take a look its about 2 hours from me. Its bad time of year to try and sell our 83! lol



      • s_kelley2000
        1,000 Post Club Member
        • Nov 2007
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        • 2012 Super Air Nautique 230 1999 Nautique Super Sport with 502 Python (for Sale)

        Haha ya, bad time to sell but great time to buy. Just realized I forgot to answer your second question. This boat will feel HUGE compared to your 83. It's a bit wider and about 2 feet longer. The EFI will be a nice upgrade as well. The wakeboarding wake will seem quite familiar to you coming from your 83 with a nice steep kick. It will take a little more weight to get really big and it will be a little wider than the 83 wake but I think it's a nice upgrade.

        2012 Blue Metal Flake SAN 230

        1999 Black and Tan Python 502 Powered Super Sport (for Sale)


        • rman56
          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
          • Mar 2009
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          • 2002 SANTE

          Iam sure there's more storage too and most importantly cup holders! lol


          • rman56
            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
            • Mar 2009
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            • 2002 SANTE

            I also noticed in 99-2000 they put the 5.7 chevy in some too? Is it better or worse than the GT-40?


            • s_kelley2000
              1,000 Post Club Member
              • Nov 2007
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              • Mass

              • 2012 Super Air Nautique 230 1999 Nautique Super Sport with 502 Python (for Sale)

              I don't think you can go wrong with either engine but the GT-40 was much more popular so it might be easier to find help on here since the Chevy Apex was rarer. The Apex is rated at 320 HP vs 310 HP on the GT-40 but I heard they offer similar performance with the Ford being punchier on the low end but the Chevy having a little more legs at the top end. Unless you are a hardcore Chevy or Ford guy I wouldn't let the engine choice between those two influence my decision nearly as much as condition, options, colors and the overall deal.

              2012 Blue Metal Flake SAN 230

              1999 Black and Tan Python 502 Powered Super Sport (for Sale)


              • rman56
                Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                • Mar 2009
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                • 2002 SANTE

                Thanks, I had guy offer me a 99 Air with 400 hours for 9k but it has the chevy in it. It does need some interior work but not a bad ride. Still waiting on pics of the 2000 though. I just dont know much about those motors Iam a Ford guy!


                • Miljack
                  1,000 Post Club Member
                  • Dec 2004
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                  • '08 230 TE ZR6

                  I've ridden behind both a 2001 & air/sport, wakes are similar w air having a better transition. '99 will be a better deal and easier to work w due to the digital gauges and keypad. Big improvement in storage and interior room in the air/sports, and will ski better.
                  2000/FCT2 is a much better tower than the original FCT intro'd in '99.
                  2008 230 TE-ZR6
                  1999 Pro Air Python-sold and moved away :-(


                  • Lewy2001
                    • May 2008
                    • 63

                    Originally posted by Miljack View Post
                    I've ridden behind both a 2001 & air/sport, wakes are similar w air having a better transition. '99 will be a better deal and easier to work w due to the digital gauges and keypad. Big improvement in storage and interior room in the air/sports, and will ski better.
                    2000/FCT2 is a much better tower than the original FCT intro'd in '99.
                    Sport and Air is the same hull with different graphics. The Air may have ballast tanks. The transition would be the same with equal weight in both hulls. If you are talking about a Pro Air the hull is different to the Sport/Air.

                    The 2000 will have the FCT2 tower which is a nicer looking unit. The key pads and gateway boxes are expensive to replace on the 2000 > boats.

                    I went from a 89 SN 2001 to a 98 Sport and the storage space and extra room in the boat is amazing. The Sport skies much nicer than the 89.


                    • rman56
                      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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                      • 2002 SANTE

                      Thanks, hope to have the other pics today but who knows with the weather moving in. Will there be more freeboard in a 99/2000 over our 83?



                      • Zach@n3
                        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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                        • 1986 2001 ski nautique 68 correct craft skylark

                        Not really. The 2001 hull had a pretty tall freeboard compared to other ski boats of its day. Go get it Ryan.


                        • rman56
                          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                          • Mar 2009
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                          • 2002 SANTE

                          Hey Zach were still thinking on and waiting on the other pics too. Hope to know soon!


