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I have a 2002 SANTE,,,how do I tell if its a open or closed cooling system? Also if its closed does the trany & Vdrive use the same cooling fluid?
Thanks Guys
Assuming its a GT-40. Closed cooling will have a small box shaped thermostat housing in the front of the engine and a larger cylinder in the rear (expansion tank) and large cooling hose running underneath the intake manifold and finally a long skinny cylinder (4'' dia) under the exhaust manifold all on the same side of the engine.
The transmission and v-drive remain raw water cooled (ie. no coolant). Only the block is protected.
It appears to me to be a open system. It has that big heat exchanger with the 2 large line from the risers attached to it,,,dont see a coolant fill tank with radiator cap,,,(FYI: its a Excal. 330) I also see a garden hose connection near the intake water strainer,,, do you close the main sea **** when connecting up to a garden hose,,,seems like you would?? OK appreciate the help,,Thank You.
If it's in the front of the engine bay, it's the heat exchanger and it's closed cooled. On a closed cooled Excalibur the tranny oil cooler and the vdrive are both raw water cooled.