I'd take a close look at both...open and close all the hatches, touch the vinyl, feel the carpet, etc. Then check out the little things, like bling, and notice the Bu is chrome plastic versus metal. You'll notice a significant difference before even getting them wet. The Bu is a very nice product, but CC's are simply built with higher standards. PCM versus Indmar is enough for me, but that's just my opinion (after having 8 Indmars and 5 PCMS's).
I was in your shoes last year. I ended up with 200v with the 409 could not be happier. I'm 230 and have no problems getting 44 all day for 1 foots. (My form is bad so I need the speed) The stock speedo has touched 50 (running light on fuel) but I've never gps it. Plus anything over 44 my feet get hot. The prop wash at footing length is a lil bumpy but not to bad. Pulled my buddy up backwards yesterday with no problem what so ever. Skiing at 28 off is amazing. Sticking a couple of inverts behind it with a stock wake is also no issue. It is an amazing boat and some of the guys on the forum will help you turn it into a surf boat if you want to. We foot and ski first then boarding and surfing comes 2nd for us. Both boats are great but CC was the best decision for my family.