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I tinted my 89 2001 with 20% tint and it works and looks awesome. I love it b/c I can drive w/o sunglasses even on the brightest of days. Maybe it's the type of tint that I have, but when I do wear glasses (polarized) it makes it a bit harder to see through it, but I say go for it.
How many times did you have to drop the boat before you got the picture right before it hit the water?
I vote light tint or none, i dont like anything reducing my visability, especially at dusk and later.
I vote no tint too. Living here in Oregon (and especially you with your boat at the coast for much of the year) where the sun can be a bit of an enigma - I would opt for a good pair of sunglasses instead.
Great comment, darrel409 - "how many times did you have to drop the boat..." Very funny.
Can I change my vote? I had voted for dark tint, purely
on aesthetics. The more I read comments from more sensible heads,
the more I think no tint, or light tint at the most.
Can I change my vote? I had voted for dark tint, purely
on aesthetics. The more I read comments from more sensible heads,
the more I think no tint, or light tint at the most.
Nope ..... can't change your vote! Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
I voted none, but strictly on looks. Now I see the wisdom of night vision as a dominate reason not to tint!