# to # ratio. The 230 has a great surf wake. As good if not better than the G23. Get the NSS for sure.
Exactly get NSS, but make sure you get a 2014 230 with NSS, it's bigger and better! The older boat with NSS is just ok, 2014 is waaay longer bigger, ext. all the stuff I was saying was assuming you were getting NSS, the g23 would be to heavy for the GL. You would be more than satisfied with the stock piggy back setup on the 230, changing out for 1100 in further is just me wanting to spend money hahaha!!
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I would not get it without NSS and was thinking 2014 for sure because of the redesign... yes these are 1st world problems for sure!! I like a big wave and is part of the fun of the sport is to see how good we can get it!! I knew I was in trouble when my wife saw the 2014 G23 the other weekend and got excited asking me why she had never seen this. She is a spectator in the boat and is really not into boats but enjoys being with the family and in the sun... I was thinking oh boy here we go...But when I saw the boat perform throwing a huge wave and it was level then I became interested in checking it out too... seems like a very impressive boat and Nautique seems to have spend some time getting this figured out which is appreciated. I am going to demo both but am leaning towards the 230 since we are surfers... thanks for the feedback and info... I will report back.
Originally posted by Garrett Burke View PostNo prob man!! If you go demo take a sac with ya onto both boat will help u see the difference! The interior of the new 230 is almost identical to the G, luckily my significant other, she likes the look of the 230 better lol!
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G23 versus 230?
Originally posted by st68 View PostI am actually going to check it out today... what is the best weighting set up to get the best wave on it? Thanks
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Originally posted by Garrett Burke View PostHave everything full, Just throw a 750 in the floor against the back seat, all u need in the 230, speed 10.5. NSS on 0(which is max)
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Originally posted by st68 View PostThanks for that... which sparks another question... one of my must haves on my next boat is 100% hidden ballast... does the 230 have room to put the 750 sac and be hidden?
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So today I walked the 230 and G23... we didn't ride... plan on doing that next week. I have to say the G23 is pretty nice... the interior design of it is pretty cool... and the storage cannot be beaten for sure. The 230 felt a little small to me... again I am purely judging on land and not on water. The storage in the 230 was disappointing... don't get me wrong the 230 is a nice boat and we are comparing 1st world type of differences....!! but for the little price difference the G23 blows away the 230 IMO. If it can work I think I am leaning towards the G23. We did discuss re-sale value on Nautiques in general... what has been your experience with depreciation? Does the value of a Nautique hold it's value better than other brands? If so what % depreciation would you put on a Nautique overall?
Originally posted by cedarcreek216 View PostI just traded in my 09 about a month ago for $4k less than I paid for it. Now that wasn't a $120k boat so the market for the $60k boats are super strong right now since all the six figure boats are out of reach for most.
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Comparing my 2013 SANTE 230 to my buddy's 2014 G23, hands down I would go with the G23. The G23 does everything better. Especially the stock surf capability. I am not sure of the 2014 230, but the stock ballast is disappointingly not enough on the 13. Of course there is a price for this improvement. If you can afford it and tow safely, go with the G.