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I don't blame you. If and when I sell, I will give full disclosure to any buyer and the price will reflect the history of the boat. Also, any subpar repair work will surely rear its ugly head way before I sell. I also will warn any future buyer against installing a tower as one of the repairs (not evident in the photos) involved cutting out the section of crushed deck and repairing it on my work bench before glassing it back in place. The seam is right where the front leg of a tower would be bolted in place.
I agree that it is truly amazining what he has done.
I am building a small fiberglass sailboat, and know all too well the feeling of going to bed wanting to just rip your skin off it hurts so much from the fiberglass.
It has taken me over 8 years to just get the outside of the hull done on a 11' boat, so your progress is truly inspiring.
Well done! I can't fathom the time and effort put into the repair's. I had some small spyders from the previous owner fixed on my 93 SN, and it took him 40 hrs to fix. I hope you get to enjoy the fruits of you labor, you deserve it!
Not so great. Idle speed is all over the map and it still stumbles between about 1800 - 2800 rpms, then clears up at higher rpms. The new IAC was not behaving properly, so after a bit more troubleshooting, I adjusted the throw of the pintle and maybe solved the problem. I will have to test drive to know for sure. I also lowered the fuel pressure to about 13.5 psi at the recommendation of PCM even through my PCM manual says spec is 15 psi.
I may end up replacing the ECU if the problems persist.
I believe it is the original trailer, as sold by the CC dealer, made by R&S (California?). Although I like the step pads for ease of entering the boat, I really do not like the trailer much for the following reasons:
1. The spring attachment points are located on a cantilevered rail that is welded off several cross tubes. Due to the weight of the boat and the constant flexing, most of the welds had fatigued and started to fail. I had to weld on ALL of them.
2. No crash pad up front that I am used to on my older boat. It is decidely more diffilcult to retrieve the boat.
3. The boat moves all around on the trailer. However, this is probably due to the new bunk carpeting the fact that the bottom of the hull is freshly waxed...even where the bunk boards contact the hull.
4. The prop guard is very close to the ground and scraps a lot. I had to add the wheels, but going down my driveway, the entire trailer gets supported by the prop guard for several feet.