I have a 06 226 on a tandem Ramlin with EZ lube. When adding grease everything looks normal, meaning grease goes in and old grease comes out. The problem I am having, and have had for some time, is after trailering my wheels get lots of grease on them. It is not coming from the inside but I assume it is coming out of the cap or something. Its not just one wheel but pretty much all 4. I can't imagine this is normal, but it has been doing this for some time and the wheels don't really feel to hot or anything indicating a problem. Any thoughts?
i am assuming you mean you see grease on the outer side of the rims. i have had this happen in the past and it was coming from the small center cap that covers the hubs. they just pop into the center and don't offer as much coverage as the caps that go on bearing buddy type hubs. i got some of those type dust caps in the right size and put them on over the originals and no more grease slinging out. i imagine they do a much better job of keeping water out too ...2003 SANTE - "OG 210"