If you're going to buy from a dealer, make sure you get the right one for you. These boats are expensive, and you need to have a certain level of trust that your dealer will take care of you and your boat the way you want them to. As others have stated, the Nautique boats are rock solid and great vessels for family fun. The difference when towing someone behind a Nautique (or a dedicated tow boat) versus an I/O is impressive. So much easier to tow with the proper tool!!
You can't really go wrong with a Nautique, especially with the models you've researched as they are bigger boats and can definitely handle rough stuff. Space and comfort on towboats are hard to beat. Take your time and make sure you're really getting what you want/need.
You can't really go wrong with a Nautique, especially with the models you've researched as they are bigger boats and can definitely handle rough stuff. Space and comfort on towboats are hard to beat. Take your time and make sure you're really getting what you want/need.