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Once again I tried to find the answer on the search. Do they make a FCT for the 2000 SN. Mid Ohio said no, but I thought there was a tower that fit. Any help would be appreciated.
I just bought an OEM FCT for my 95 SN. It needs to be "tweaked" a bit on the front legs, they are way too wide now. Im calling around now trying to find a shop that can cut, bend and weld for me. The back feet are nearly a perfect fit.
New Dimension towers makes a "look alike" FCT that will fit your SN but they are pricey, about $2600. I got mine on ebay for $1000.
Calif. Correct Craft refered me to a guy who modifies the FCT for SN's. I spoke with him last night and this is how he does it. He uses the original top piece of the tower and scavenges the pivot piece, cup and feet from the original lower hoops. Then he bends all new lower hoops custom for your boat and rewelds in the pivot, back cup and the feet. Now the FCT has a custom fit for your boat. Ballpark on the cost is $400, takes a couple days. He also told me that the builder of the FCT's in Florida does make a tower for the SN.