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Hey Socbum, where did you get the recommendation to use 87 for your GT40? The only reason I try to use 89 is my manual specifically states to "use any good grade of automovie regular or premium gasoline with a minimum average octane rating of 89. An 87 average octane gasoline may be used if 89 is not available."
I always figured that meant if you can't get 89 at a marina, you probably won't do damage to the engine if you run 87. Maybe it means you can run 87 all the time?
I checked with the guys when I bought the boat (Navigation Co) and also with the guys that service the boat (Mid Ohio -- Jesse and Paul).
BTW -- I'm going to miss Jesse at Mid Ohio. If you did not know, he has moved on to something else.
SocBum ------- 2002 SAN <== Current Boat 1987 American Skier Advance <==First Boat
Real simple....if your motor isn't pinging, you are running the right octane. Remember that higher octane fuels are NOT more combustible: they are more stable. Accordingly, running 89 or 91 in a motor that will run fine on 87 is a waste of money.