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Help...looking for a Paragon....Can anyone provide a good lead? The one in Georgia has sold so has one listed in Michigan. Any leads would be appreciated. I know they are not inexpensive!
Check out this link. I think the boat is long sold but there is some interesting information in regard to the Paragon. You could also contact this dealer as they specialize in wood boats. Good luck! LINK
I had the Burgundy Paragon however I sold her last fall (it may be the one you referenced in Michigan-Glen Lake Marine) the buyer was here in the Chicago area. The Green referenced boat above at Sierra looks like the one that was for sale on CorrectCraftFan.com (where I listed my boat as well). There was a Green one for sale in the south suburbs of Chicago and south Michigan. I saw it at Guys Marine (CC Dealer) in Coloma Michigan.
It is my understanding that CC only built 12, most where green and I believe mine was the only one in Burgundy, I heard there was a white one also?
Good luck in your search, they are very unique and beautiful boats.
I thought I read somewhere that Alan Jackson owned a paragon. I know he was behind a ski nautique in that chatahoochie video a few years ago...but skiing in jeans...come on...haha