Buying with cash is usually a motivator when buying from a private party. The seller doesn't have to wait for you to get a loan, doesn't have to worry about if the check is good,
can probably hide some money from his or her spouse, etc.
Usually when buying a car or boat from a dealer, you'll do best on price if you negotiate as if you were not only going to finance, but take the financing through the dealer. The dealers get kickback and financial incentives form the finance companies. Once the price is negotatied, than pull out you cash. They won't like it, but they don't have much choice in the matter.
can probably hide some money from his or her spouse, etc.
Usually when buying a car or boat from a dealer, you'll do best on price if you negotiate as if you were not only going to finance, but take the financing through the dealer. The dealers get kickback and financial incentives form the finance companies. Once the price is negotatied, than pull out you cash. They won't like it, but they don't have much choice in the matter.