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Nah, you have to put your code in to unlock the system. Just put your code in and hit start twice. Don't hold it down.
I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.
If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!
Yeah, just put in your pin, hit start, and hit start again (WITHOUT holding the start button down) This will power up all the gauges and electronics without starting the engine.
Ok, so just in this thread we have 2 people who replaced the key pad. Pretty high ratio considering the sample size of people viewing/responding to this thread. I would be really disappointed if a ski vacation was ruined because something as trivial as the keypad broke. I was going to dip into the used market for 00, 01 boats but I'm getting a little leery now. I never even take the key out of the ign in my current boat. No chance of dropping it, losing it, etc when it is in there all the time. Then again I do trailer it so it's not like the boat is sitting out somewhere. How much does the keypad cost when it breaks out of warranty and how common is it, really, that it goes bad?
2000 Ski Nautique GT-40
2016 SN 200 H5 www.Fifteenoff.com