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Hello room. I am thinking of buying either a 1999 air or a 2000 air. Was one year better than the other? or were there many improvements in 2000 other than the auto start feature?
RE: difference between the 1999 air and the 2000 air
Greg, if the 1999 air has the old style air guide speedos, and analogue gauges, i would go old school. i also think the styling on the 1999 is better, no ugly "N" Just my opinion.
RE: difference between the 1999 air and the 2000 air
Greg, it's all opinion. Myself would go with the 2000 Air. Love the digital dash and the nice and clean "N". The boat itself remained the same. The 2000 has a much better tower. I think they made some improvements (ballast, gauges, tower) but most are small.
I have a 99 Pro Air, and the things I noticed about the difference in the 2000 models;
tower-2000-2003 towers are arguably the best towers built by Correct Craft. It is stronger, looks much better, and will actually fold down more easily and compactly than the 99 or older version.
Interior is much the same with the exception of the dash. I like the layout of both, but I think the 2000 version is more up to date, and the "pod" on the right housing the throttle and stereo, etc...
Exterior gelcoat-subjective, but I REALLY like the simple "air" logo on these 2000-2003 boats.
2008 230 TE-ZR6
1999 Pro Air Python-sold and moved away :-(
Have the Pro Air 1999 with the Python 8.1L engine. Great boat for wakeboarding. No matter how many are in the boat or what ballast is used, the wake is great and it goes like a bat out of ****.
If anyone knows where I could get an engine manual for the engine it would be appreciated. PCM do not even have the manual and they made the engine!
The manual for your engine can be found HERE. This is the 2002 manual, but the parts concerning the Python should be almost identical to the '99.
I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.
If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!
buy the newer boat, better tower, etc. The 1999 towers do not fold down very well, if you need to fold it down. Other than that, the boats will throw the same wake with the same weight, if you like a key to start your boat, go with the 99's etc. The 95-2001 hulls/decks are probably the most solid v drives correct craft have ever made, the are solid on the double ups/ triple ups etc. The wider decks sure did make them stable and solid.