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Look at it this way - the guy is now an urban legend on the internet, and he didn't have to
get naked, loot a liquor store, or appear on Jackass to do it.
I could understand that happening if the boat was an hour away while all that was going on... But still, with anything that cost thousands of dollars... that's been discussed. hehe.
2018 SAN 230
1981 Ski Nautique
Sold - 2011 Sport 200V
Sold - 2000 SAN
So, is the boat definitely toast? Is there a chance it could survive the ice, snow, ...?
Oh, there's a chance... I think as far as the hull goes it depends on how quickly the water froze up, and how deep the ice is. As we all know ice expands as it freezes, therefore it will squeeze the hull.
I saw a special on the history channel a while back about ice breakers and how their hulls are different than normal boats. When the water expands to form ice it pushes on the boat and makes it go up, then the weight of the boat comes down and crushes the ice...
Then about the engine... I'd almost bet money he's got a lot of cracked stuff.
2018 SAN 230
1981 Ski Nautique
Sold - 2011 Sport 200V
Sold - 2000 SAN
...ouch... these photos bring a tear to my eye. I live in Australia where we don't need to winterize, but I'm sure I spend more time caring for my boat than what is apparent in these photos. I wish the owner best of luck bringing her back from the long cold sleep!
Pete, a Canadian who knows what winter is all about.
The answer would be to put in an aerator, a small 1/3 motor with a small plastic prop on it. Cut a hole in the ice drop it in and plug it in. They will keep an area free of ice about 25 feet in diameter. We have used them to keep floating pump stations free of ice all winter long. Cost is around $400 and you have to have a source of 110 V which he appears to have on shore. West Marine has them. Might save the hull from the squeeze that the ice is going to put on the hull.
wouldnt the ice begin to lift up the boat?
and if he wanted to get it out, he could slowely melt the ice around the boat with a warm water hose or heaater, and break out the ice around it and put an aerator thing in.
i would really like to see what he has to say, or what he plans to do, im not knocking him, it is a costly mistake, but we have all made them. how many boat pics have been posted of boats sitting on shore, or sandbars, or with holes in the bottoms from rocks ect. this just happens to be ice.
I wonder if insurance will cover that. Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For it is there you have been and there you will long to return. - Leonardo De Vinci
wouldnt the ice begin to lift up the boat?
and if he wanted to get it out, he could slowely melt the ice around the boat with a warm water hose or heaater, and break out the ice around it and put an aerator thing in.
i would really like to see what he has to say, or what he plans to do, im not knocking him, it is a costly mistake, but we have all made them. how many boat pics have been posted of boats sitting on shore, or sandbars, or with holes in the bottoms from rocks ect. this just happens to be ice.
Like I said earlier, the hulls are different from ski, or conventional boats, and ice breakers. The hulls on ice breakers are made to do what you said, cause the boat to rise as the ice freezes. Ski boats won't. I tried to find a diagram of the difference, but I didn't find much. Also, I didn't search long. hehe. Ice breakers have enough of an angled hull that they will rise when pressure is on them. Ski boats are too flat to far down the side. I guess that's the best way to put it.
2018 SAN 230
1981 Ski Nautique
Sold - 2011 Sport 200V
Sold - 2000 SAN
That lake didn't freeze overnight, so maybe something tragic happend that kept the owner from pulling the boat. I can't just see someone forgetting about it, so there must be a legitimate reason. THe kids on the boat could just be a bunch of yahoos having fun at someone elses expense.
I can't judge cause there are more important things in life that might have resulted in this. My boat is NEAR the top of my list of important things but it is a long way from being at the top. Death, sickness and other things could make something like this seem inconsequential.
Having said that i can't understand just leaving it there. An aerator and you could keep the boat floating all winter long. If you had the time or could hire someone to move the aerator you could even open the ice up and move the boat to shore. These units, $400 West Marine, keep large slips open all winter.
Worst of all is if the hull cracks and the boat sinks to the waterline the DNR is going to zap him for any oil or gas that spills. Just there way of saying "have a nice day".
Worst of all is if the hull cracks and the boat sinks to the waterline the DNR is going to zap him for any oil or gas that spills. Just there way of saying "have a nice day".
2018 SAN 230
1981 Ski Nautique
Sold - 2011 Sport 200V
Sold - 2000 SAN