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maybe it wasnt the x star or x2 ...it was an x something..........i just noticed the price being cheaper....well if you wanna call it "cheaper"45k-65k.....i have never rode in a supra moomba malibu ..my neighbors mastercraft is nice, and he advised me my boat is basically the same thing..maybe aft the summer ill post an update
I have only been a CC owner since 03 but I have to say for the difference in price CC's construction and therefore resale more than makes up for it. I sold my restored 81' for $6K more than I paid for it. When I bought my 04 206 Air I was told you could torpedo the thing and it would not sink where as Malibu's do. Would most concure?
One of my best friends sunk his 03 206 quick and easy last year, some will remember the thread. It went down in the time it took for 3 rollers to come over the bow, about 30 seconds. By the time the second one hit it was too late and time to frantically get life vests to kids. He admittedly was loaded front heavy and had only owned it a short time, but he has 20+ yrs of boat ownership/driver experience so he wasnt a newbie. So no, dont torpedo your 206.
I believe that Nautiques are designed to float at or near the surface even if completely swamped. I have a 206 Air, no question you can torpedo the boat however it does not take that much skill not to torpedo it either. I have had 9 people on board (3 in bow) without a problem.
I have heard the same about floating at or near the surface... ive even tested the theory with a SN in the past. The 03 206 rested bow to river bottom the empty ballast tanks floated the back up a bit.
Most boats, maybe even all but I'm not sure, have some floatation built into the construction. My first boat, a 14' john boat did, and my entry level sunbird did, my MC did, and my friends Malibu sunsetter LXI does also. It just keeps the boat at what you might consider neutral boyancy, or at water level.
2005 Ski Nautique 206 SE, Acme 422, PP SG 8.0, ND Tower
2011 strada with strada bindings
Prior Boats:
1986 Sunbird skier with 150 Evinrude VRO
1992 Mastercraft prostar 190, with Powerslot
1999 Ski Nautique GT-40
1999 Sport Nautique, GT-40 FCT,