Is there any chance the deadline could be extended past March 1?
The deadline has been extended until March 3rd due to a few private messages I have received regarding the group buy. However, that is it...this is the last week to get your orders in and get the discount.
Yes, there is still time for the PN group buy. Please call Laura at Tower Bimini's ASAP and get the order in. You do not have to pay upfront when you submit the order...if that helps.
The phone number is :408-683-5630
FYI: There are 8 confirmed orders as of this morning, and she is waiting to hear back from a few more members.
I just got off the phone with Towerbiminis and we have 10 confirmed orders. He also said that there are 2-3 more members who said they would call back with measurements and colors for their orders.
Bottom line is, 10 confirmed orders...2-3 more on the way.