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That's the Titan tower. It is the lowest-folding tower of that era, so if getting under a low door is a priority, that's the tower to have.
I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.
If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!
How about rigidity? ?? He is worried about flex. My 05 226 tower flexes like crazy. He doesn't want that on his boat. we had a titan wishbone tower on my old 95 nautique and that was super solid.
I have that on my 08 210. It's the Titan Stailess tower with the Full Throttle Package. About one of the sturdiest tube towers ever made. Not rattle whatsoever. Pretty simple easy one person fold down job even flr me with 4 speakers on it. Probably little harder with the two Pro 485 up there in the pic. It was way less away then the other 4 point factory version offered.
Element..what tower do you have on your 05 226? I had the standard 226 Tower and mine was rigid as heck....barely any movement. If fact..that year tower was one of the lowest towers on any Nautique ever making it really strong. It looked like a T-Rex with little arms up top....lol. Now if you had another tower, I could see where you might get the flew. Here's a pic of the tower that came with my 05.
I have ridden in both versions of that tower on the 230. Both of them "sway" from side to side, but don't rattle when doing so. You can eliminate some of the sway by keeping the big through bolt that goes through the tower "feet" into/through the top of the deck, tightened.
The newer 2 point mounted towers don't sway as much, with the '13 and up versions the best IMHO. Although, if you're trying to fit it under a standard garage door, you'll need the '11-'12 tower that Roswell built.
Between the two towers from that year, having one or the other wouldn't be a deal breaker unless you need to fit in a 7' garage--then Titan is the only option. Outside of folded height, my preference is still the Titan. On my '08 210 w/Titan, I never had a problem with sway or rattles. You can get a very nice and large towerbiminis.com bimini. It's easy to fold down with one person even with four speakers. It looks better than the other tower offered that year. It's easy to clean. Scratches will generally buff out if you get anal. And my boat sat at about 6.75' with the tower folded...so getting into a standard garage wasn't a problem.
Previous boats:
2015 G23
2008 SAN 210
2002 XStar
1995 Sport Nautique
As others have indicated that is the Titan stainless 2.25 or 2 3/8 dia tube tower with a Bimini Towers top. The company that made the tower is now called Star One Wake in California. I have the same tower on my 08 210. It is extremely strong and does have very minor side flex and I mean minor... I even have a pair of WS Pro485 mounted on mine. I recommend if you go with the boat with the Titan that you call Star One quickly and order the two plastic inserts that go between the rear base mounts and the tower where the big bolt passes through. I would also get a spare tow spool insert as Star One indicated to me that they are no longer making these items since the tower is no longer in production. Bimini Towers is still in business and has any replacement parts needed for the top.