Just wondering before I pull the trigger. What's the best price on a new 2014 SAN 210 and trailer? Got a deal, but read Nautique now has $4K off on left over 210. Dealer said I got the best deal no more off. Just want to be sure I am prudent with the large sum I am about to spend. Any help and numbers will help, thanks for the help.
Odds are you are not going to get a real straight answer to your question as deals vary market to market and even person to person within that market. I can tell you there is a used one with 22 hours for sale at our dealer for $89,000 and can probably be had for $86,000 but not sure on that. it's so hard because options vary so much as well as location. I would say if you are happy with the price then you are happy with the price, go for it.
A general guideline on MSRP vs real world price on a new Nautique is 20-23% off MSRP on current year boats. That can vary ever so slightly dealership to dealership on what kind of inventory your dealer has, how much volume they move, and what model you're looking at. Being a 2014 leftover doesn't automatically scream give it away any longer because the yearly price increase is usually offsetting the price margin on the better deal going 14 not just more % off. So 20% off and then will will use a more conservative 4-5% price increase means that 14 will in essence be 24-25% off already right from the go to an identical 15.
Boat pricing has changed dramatically. It's bo longer a race to sell units and dealer incentives from the factory to the dealerahip are not as great as they once were. So prices of leftovers aren't seeing huge gaps like they used too either.