I dont care how expensive the boat is it should be good quality and safe. Correct Craft dropped the ball again. Stuff happens but this is not the first person in recent months on this forum with major quality problems. I can tell you that I think CC makes one of the nicest looking boats on the water but I am not sure that I (if I could) would buy a new one after hearing all of the complaints.
Aren't these boats water tested prior to delivering them to prospective buyers? The problems this buyer is dealing with are totally unacceptable. You can have and expect problems when you buy used; but that's why people buy new - so they don't have to worry about stuff not working. Also, narratives like this one are the sort that typical Nautique owners (myself include) use when they talk about competitors boats and why they should not even consider other inboards.
And me: '00, '01, '03, and '06 brand spank'n new SANs/210s. Know your most frequent customers CC and not just those who scrape it together to pay big-time monthy dues to be members of this "club" and, therefore, have standing to write-on here and make excuses for your company.
Midwest reason triumphs supreme, Hollywood. Perhaps I was over reacting, but it struck me that our site was once again being inflexibly too quick in making excuses for what sounded like an absolute disgraceful situation. It's really a wonder that some of these boats make it out of Florida...
This is just my opinion, but I think if you claim to make a top of the line product, every part of the product should be top of the line. If CC wants to continue to make top of the line products, their wiring, plumbing, and ect. needs to be top of the line as well.
This thread is really suprising.2018 SAN 230
1981 Ski Nautique
Sold - 2011 Sport 200V
Sold - 2000 SAN
Let's also remember the responsibility of the dealer here, he's the one delivering the boat and therefore (in my eyes) looks like the a-hole. I know they're busy and can't check every little detail but these last two examples are pretty embarassing for both the dealers and CC.
1,000 Post Club Member
- Jul 2003
- 2908
- San Francisco, CA
- Current 2005 SV 211, due for upgrade! GS22 or GS24 perhaps? Previous
I re-read my post and it may have come off negative, that was not my intention. My dealer water tested my boat and fixed any little issue that may have existed before they took me on my test drive. The perfect pass and speedometer were even close to being calibrated. Everything worked right out of the box, no issues until the flo-rite valves started leaking about mid summer. My dealer is Hammer's and they do a great job. The disconnected throttle linkage is actually my fault because I picked up my boat to make my ballast and stereo changes before they were done (West Coast CC) so it's my fault (it takes like 2 seconds to pop the linkage back on anyway).
I chose to buy my boat from a dealer I trust, the backup service center West Coast is also top notch. Seems like most people's issues would be solved with good dealer service.
The dealers did not build the boat - boat manufacturers need better quality control. They cannot pump out junk and expect the dealer and customer to have to haggle with each other over the manufacturer's quality control issues. Good dealer or not, this is not right for the kinda cash one lays out for a pile of fiberglass with an engine.
I have lurked on this site for a couple years and it is amazing to me how many of us are looking for tips on how to fix a brand new boat! The manufacturer puts out an inferior product and then the dealer in many cases does not want to help or is too far away - so we fix it ourselves, even though it is under warranty. I've seen it here time and time again, and I have done it myself. Often it is easier to get out the toolbox and fix it then to take it back to the dealer. The problem is that it is almost common occurance to have problems with new boats. Not acceptable.
Having bought a couple new boats in the last few years (Mastercraft and CC), I have my own quality control horror stories. It purely sucks that you should have to waste time fixing anything that is brand new - warranty or no warranty. It is a huge inconvenience to have to return it to the dealer for anything, especially for those of us who live where the season is short. I simply expect more when buying new.
Thought that I'd add some new unbiased perspective to this site, I'll go back to lurking now.
Has Correct Craft changed their delievery checklist. For my 2004, the dealer had a checklist from Correct Craft of all the things that they had to go over with me.......dont have the list here, but a water test was necessary for several of the items. I remember freezing on the lake in a small hail and snow storm just to run through the list.
The dealer is supposed to give the owner the checklist when it is comlete. Correct Craft specifically asked about the delivery checklist when we completed the new owner survey (although I am still waiting on my free Tshirt from that).
Correct Craft then followed up within a year with another survey.
As a note, one of my balast pumps did not work on the water delivery test. The dealer fixed it promptly....leaf stuck in the impeller (go figure).
There is absolutely NO excuse for some of these things. Time to wake up and realize that the Correct Craft of today is not what it used to be. They are just cranking those boats out and it shows, I would rather wait an extra month to make sure everything is done correctly and give proper attention, but the faster CC moves boats the more $$$ the suits make.
If looking for a new boat I would definitely look at CC but look closer at other Builders too. I know everybody loves their nautique but it is okay to take the blinders off and admit this is crap and it has been happening more and more lately. Blame it on this or that...fine, but it should have been taken care off much quicker than they did.
peace, we outta here.
1 month 'til we midwesterners are back "onthewater"I don\'t care.