Any thoughts on trying to spin a 17"?
I've thought about it... I think it'd be too big. It'd need to be a 17x13 to 17x14 range to be feasible. Props are most efficient where diameter = pitch.... Or as close as you can get assuming perfect gearing for a given load.
And I'd assume the Nautique engineers would at least has given it a try, I donno. When I talked to them about a 16x16, they were more focused on what was available(Acme 15x14 as the largest) and supply chain management for G production. To them the 550 already exceeds everything out there, they weren't interested in any increases of performance or better fuel economy.2019 G23 450
2014 G23 550
2013 G23 450
2011 Malibu Wakesetter 247
2007 Yamaha AR210
I agree with Ryan that the closer we can keep the diameter and pitch the prop will be more efficient. I have another of the 16 x 16 props cut if anyone else would like to try it. Once we decide on the final size the props will be readily available. Will post part number here as soon as possible. I also have the 17 x 17 and 17 x 16 for the 2:1 packages as well as some very solid options for the standard boats.
Eric Johnson - OJ Props
Eric, just called and left a message.2018 SAN G23 XR550
2015 SAN G23 XR550
2014 SAN G23 XR550
2013 SAN G23 XS550
2013 SAN G23 ZR450
2011 SAN 230
2010 SAN 230
2000 XStar
Ok, 16x16. Starting to edge up against the capabilities of the 550hp with this prop, but I love it. Drops RPMs massively for nearly the same performance.
16x16 performance specs (full gas, 4 onboard): top speed 43-44mph at 5400rpm. Full 2850lb OEM Ballast + ~500lbs, 23mph NCRS 5 3200-3300RPM, little slower launch than 16x15, but not struggling. 23mph no ballast ~2950rpm.
Today surfed my standard 11.6mph, 2850+500+~800 at only 2750rpms.
So what's the "best" prop?
If you want or need to go mega extreme... 2850 + another 2000-4000lbs(especially at 22-24mph speeds). Gas and RPMs be ****ed: get the 16x15 and set new limits. Pros and true wave crazies fall info this category.
If you keep your ballast roughly 2850 + 2000 and under, or gas savings really matter to squeeze and extra day of use before you need more gas.. 16x16 for great performance, RPM reduction and significant gas savings.
I2019 G23 450
2014 G23 550
2013 G23 450
2011 Malibu Wakesetter 247
2007 Yamaha AR210
Joe, perhaps it was 100% full gas and 4 folks onboard... Could have also had a little more ballast too. I think the 16x16 drops RPMs another 50-100ish on average over the 16x15.5.
So, for an "ultimate" 550hp G prop, it'd have to be the 16x15. Considerably better performance and some fuel savings over OEM prop.
The 16x16 would be the "Eco" upgrade: slightly better perfoamce than OEM and considerable fuel savings.2019 G23 450
2014 G23 550
2013 G23 450
2011 Malibu Wakesetter 247
2007 Yamaha AR210