Few questions about a G21l

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  • Noahsark
    • Nov 2014
    • 78

    • Virginia

    nyryan2001, I'm not sure how you haven't seen that I have posted multiple times I'm not really worried about the topend speed, just really want to make sure at cruising speed your not "overworking" the engine.

    I think my questions have been answered that at 25 mph cruising, the boats are not being overworked or overreved



    • AcerMD
      • Mar 2013
      • 39

      • Calgary, AB

      Have you looked at Malibu or MC? Both boats in my opinion offer a better 23' option for cruising. The Ilmor in the MC will be your best 25-30 mph engine. The MC's and Bu's interiors (especially the MC) will have a deeper cabin as well. I'm pretty sure the MC's are probably $10K more though.


      • Noahsark
        • Nov 2014
        • 78

        • Virginia

        AcerMD Thanks for your input, but I'm stuck on Nautique's

        I came from a jet boat, to a Glastron 20' boat with a v-8. When I decided to get a new boat I was all about the Chapparel Xtreme series as they said they were the new in between of inboard boats. They were suppose to be able to compete with the wakeboard wakes and also allow you to surf.

        he more I looked into them the less they appealed to me, and then realized that either way they still weren't "safe" for surfing. I then pretty much decided if we were going to get into surfing I was going to have to look at inboard boats.

        Another forum I was on a guy told me he had just moved up from an I/O and had bought a Malibu LVS23 and that it was a perfect all around boat good for wakeboarding, tubing,surfing, and cruising so I started looking at them. Then I also looked at Moomba's, MasterCrafts, and tige.

        Too be honest and not to bash anyone's boats as this is just my opinion and what I want, but once I looked at a Nautique in person it pretty much spoke for itself. Then as i learned more and more about them I called nautique to see if NSS could be added to a 2012 SA 230 I was looking at. In less than 30 minutes Nautique called me back and answered all of my questions. That customer service just enhanced my feel for nautiques.

        Ther are a lot of great boats out there and I'm sure you will find a lot of satisfied customers in all of them, but for me it will definetely be a Nautique, it's just a matter of which one.

        I just personally feel Nautique is in a class all by themselves when it comes to fit and finish, and overall quality.



        • AcerMD
          • Mar 2013
          • 39

          • Calgary, AB


          Originally posted by Noahsark
          AcerMD Thanks for your input, but I'm stuck on Nautique's

          I came from a jet boat, to a Glastron 20' boat with a v-8. When I decided to get a new boat I was all about the Chapparel Xtreme series as they said they were the new in between of inboard boats. They were suppose to be able to compete with the wakeboard wakes and also allow you to surf.

          he more I looked into them the less they appealed to me, and then realized that either way they still weren't "safe" for surfing. I then pretty much decided if we were going to get into surfing I was going to have to look at inboard boats.

          Another forum I was on a guy told me he had just moved up from an I/O and had bought a Malibu LVS23 and that it was a perfect all around boat good for wakeboarding, tubing,surfing, and cruising so I started looking at them. Then I also looked at Moomba's, MasterCrafts, and tige.

          Too be honest and not to bash anyone's boats as this is just my opinion and what I want, but once I looked at a Nautique in person it pretty much spoke for itself. Then as i learned more and more about them I called nautique to see if NSS could be added to a 2012 SA 230 I was looking at. In less than 30 minutes Nautique called me back and answered all of my questions. That customer service just enhanced my feel for nautiques.

          Ther are a lot of great boats out there and I'm sure you will find a lot of satisfied customers in all of them, but for me it will definetely be a Nautique, it's just a matter of which one.

          I just personally feel Nautique is in a class all by themselves when it comes to fit and finish, and overall quality.

          Customer service is IMO probably the most important thing when dropping big dollars on a new boat. You'll have no regrets I'm sure.

          Dealers are hit and miss regardless of the brand. If the best dealer in your region is Nautique, then you'd be a fool to not go with them...

          That being said, I'd take the 230 all the way for cruising. I don't know how anyone who's been in both would say otherwise.


          • KTM525
            • Oct 2007
            • 126

            • Switzerland

            • 2014 Nautique G21 ZR409

            Cruising with 25mph is easy, thats a little over the pro wakeboard settings and if the boat has empty ballast, you can go faster without any problems. For me, cruising faster then 25mph is something i usually never do. If the water is like glass, then i have to surf or wakeboard ;-).

            I do like the space and storage on the G series. The only thing i'm missing... 2 additional boardracks.


            • Noahsark
              • Nov 2014
              • 78

              • Virginia

              Yeah I guess I'm a little odd with my boat needs compared to most on this board, thats why I have had such a dilemma deciding on what I want/need.

              Evidently most of the owners on here wakeboard, surf, and do watersports every time they are out, so they are using these boats what they are intended for everytime.

              I'm not like that. We will go to our lake a full week in June, then a full week in August and almost everyday during that week I will pull wakeboarders, tubers, and other things almost daily, but then even at that our group usually hooks up one morning to ride 20 plus miles across the lake to dock at a little town and let the women shop and then we all have lunch before piling back into the boats to go back to the campground.

              Now my wife and I will go down multiple times for a 2-3 day weekend and on that time we might do some surfing?, but most of those days will just be cruising the lake to a deserted cove and hanging out, or maybe take an evening boat ride over to that town I talked about and have a late supper and then come back across the lake at dusk which is a sight to see.

              Multiple times one of the Marinas will have fireworks and we will ride over to it and sit in the boat and watch them.

              This is why I really need a boat that will do it all..........but they don't make one that I could find. So with Surfing becoming so popular and my nephews and nieces asking about it and knowing this is the sport of the future I know an I/O won't meet my needs. I know some of the I/O's are now coming out with reversed drive systems and so on, but they are a long way in my opinion of ever be able to compete with an inboard and honestly doubt they ever will.

              I have come to the conclusion that an inboard wont give me some of the things an I/O can do, but then again an I/O cannot give me the things an inboard can do, so on my personal scale of what I want to be able to do in the future and even now, It's easy to see the inboard has many more positives than an I/O does for my usage.

              So this is why I have asked so many questions and have been such a PIA do deal with. Again I thank all of you for your honest answers and opinions and hopefully I will soon make a purchase and then my boat owner questions will come. Lol

              Thanks Again


              • dttheel
                • Jan 2014
                • 193

                • Crozet, VA

                • 2023 GS 22 2013 SAN 210 TE - sold

                Noahsark, I use my 210 much the way you have described. We wakeboard and are starting to surg. But, much of the time we are cruising or anchoring while letting the kids swim in the lake. We absolutely love our boat and it treats us well in each of the capacities. We cruise the lake between 24-30 MPH all the time and unless we hit some real turbulence, the boat is fun. It's kind of like a sports car on the water. Sometimes it isn't the most comfortble in heavy traffic, but it sure is fun on the "open road". I can't advise on G series vs. 230, because i don't have experience with either. But, both will do (very well) what you are looking for.
                2013 SANTE 210


                • seachicken27
                  • Jan 2012
                  • 291

                  • Bristol, TN

                  • 2015 G21 2014 210 2005 210 2013 G23 1989 Ski 1998 Super Sport 1990 Sp

                  I've had a G23 and now have a 2014 210. Things I miss about the G23 would be 1: Massive amounts of storage 2: Rough water ride (really smooth over rough water) 3: Huge bow. I didn't really need a G23, and hence I am in a 210 because it fits my needs better. From everything you are saying, I would get a G with the 409 or 450. If you love burning massive amounts of fossil fuels, get the 550 and head down the lake 20 miles at 40mph to go shopping. If you buy anything else, every time your wife sees a cool G21 you will have to hear about it. I would buy the G because if you are cruising a lot, the ride is smoother, and it sounds like you need a lot of storage. My 210 is used a day boat, but if I was using it as a weekender or for camping, I would want my G23 back. Good luck!


                  • JoeA
                    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                    • Jun 2014
                    • 808

                    • Chickamauga Lake TN

                    • 2015 G23 550


                    I am going to be biased because I love my G23......BUT my suggestion is to make a list with your wife as to what is important and assign various points to each category. Test drive a 230 and the G then rate each experience.

                    Long term I "think" the G will depreciate at a slower pace and you cant beat the storage.

                    Test two or more boats, then decide.
                    2015 G23 550
                    2013 Malibu 22MXZ


                    • Noahsark
                      • Nov 2014
                      • 78

                      • Virginia

                      Yeah JoeA, I will definitely try and get a ride in both models. The 230 will not be a problem, but G21's are a little rare it seems. I do have that guy I met that said he will take me out on his but that is a 4 hour drive from where I live and maybe coordinating that might be tough. Kinda wishing I would have taken him up on his offer this past weekend. Oh Well

                      Thanks again for all of the responses


                      • AcerMD
                        • Mar 2013
                        • 39

                        • Calgary, AB

                        I really think the 230 will do everything you want it to do. The G is a horrible cruising choice compared to the 230. This will become apparent when you have the G on the water whipping at 35 mph.

                        Just don't buy a stern drive for the love of God!!!


                        • Davew0815
                          • Nov 2013
                          • 29

                          • Austin tx

                          I own a 2014 230 and have spent time in recent models (2014+) for all 4 boats (210, 230, G21, G23). From what you've said, I think the 230 would be the better choice, but there are advantages to both. Once you test them on the water it should be obvious pretty quick which you prefer as they will drive and ride quite different. The one thing I'd like to point out is a few folks have said the G boat will handle chop better/cruise better but they are comparing the G21 to a 210. The 230 cruises and handles chop better than both a 210 and G21. The G21 will also have lower top speed as others have said and will consume a bit more gas when cruising around at 25-30mph. It also doesn't handle as well. These are the reasons why people are telling you the 230 is better for cruising. Key advantages for the G boat for your usage would be more storage and the higher freeboard (especially in the bow.) To be fair the G boats are in general a step up in luxury as well. So, in the end, you can't go wrong. Buy what speaks to you and post some pics!


                          • Noahsark
                            • Nov 2014
                            • 78

                            • Virginia

                            AcerMD, why is the G a horrible cruiser? Most responses have told me that the G rides better, especially in small chop? I do agree that I think the 230 handles better, gets up on top of the water more which will give better gas mileage, and probably overall will work fine for me. I just wish it was a little deeper and the bow was a little bigger.

                            Hopefully I'll soon found out how they both ride



                            • flounder
                              • Aug 2014
                              • 46

                              • Lake

                              You really do need to sit down and decide exactly what you want and rate the importance of each. If I remember correctly you have been struggling with this decision since the end of last year. I agree with one of the post above in what people are comparing. There is a big difference between a 230 and 210. I personally believe there is a big difference between the g23 and g21 but there are many that feel there is not much difference. I am also on the taller side so I notice every inch. Considering everything you have stated I feel the 230 is the best choice between the two but still not sure either of these fit your true wants and needs. In open water I think it is tit for tat which one is better. One better with rough water one better with smooth water. One more responsive etc... Coming from your previous boats docking should be your concern. Hands down 230 much better. Both will be a learning experience as I believe most of your experience is an I/O. Docking at a tight space at your favorite eatery on a windy day with your friends and foes around will be an experience. You seem to do this a lot. I think these are the thing you need to consider. I don't think it makes much since to talk about how much more comfortable it is to ride in the bow of one boat over the other. I have been in many boats big and small and if I am looking for comfort I don't ride in the bow of any boat. Ride in the back of the G21 or 230 and I think it will be a comparable ride. In all seriousness if you are considering a G21 and I think at one point you looked at a G23 have you thought of getting a 210 and a pontoon with the proper motor. I can't remember if you are on the lake or if you tow. Obviously this is not a good idea if you don't have a place on the lake. However, if you are not on the lake and tow you really need to consider that as well when deciding what boat to go with.


                              • Noahsark
                                • Nov 2014
                                • 78

                                • Virginia

                                flounder, your right this has been a long journey trying to decide. Too be honest I probably would have already bought a 230 as That is what I was looking at and had pretty much decided on, but a family issue arose, and messed up this first week vacation we take each year. Two of my neices are expecting babies by the end of the summer, one late July, so our 2 seperate week vacations are kinda in jeopardy right now.

                                That is why I threw the brakes on decision and decided to step back and look at everything closer. I hadn't changed my mind about the 230, but I was looking at a 2012 model and was going to have to add NSS. Then I saw where the 2014 230 were a new hull design being deeper and better to work with NSS, so I started thinking maybe I should look at the newer ones.

                                That made me wait until an upcoming boat show in my area, so that I could look at a newer 230 in person. There's where my saga really started. They had the 230 sitting off a trailer and on blocks but had the rear of the boat higher than the front so the prop would clear the floor. I wished they would have had the boat sitting level.

                                t made you feel like you were falling out of the bow area, and my wife immediately felt this and felt it was unsafe. After she finally sat down in the boat and bow, she changed her mind a bit, but still wasn't sure. The salesman lined me up to come down and take a test ride, and then winter really set in through the past few months with cold winds, or rainy, so the test drive hasn't come about. The last few weeks have been hectic with birthdays, apple blossom festival, etc so I havent rescheduled the test drive.

                                I was planning on making arrangements for this coming weekend, but after this last weekend with my wife seeing that G21, has almost put me back to square one.

                                Let me say upfront and not bragging by any means, but purchase price is not a problem, but with that said I've never been one to over spend on something I really don't need.

                                My wife is "tighter" than me at times with finances, and when I told her we can look at a G21 but it will be 15-20K more, her opinion changed drastically! Lol

                                I personally don't ride in the bow, but that's my wife's favorite seat. She's not a very big lady at 5' 2", and less than 135 pounds, so she wants something that feels safe.

                                She has the impression the 230 sits really low in the water, but I showed her a video of it up to speed and the nose is clearly out of the water and riding high as it is up on plane.

                                Who knows I still might "pop" for a G21, but I'm thinking right now my real decision is do I buy a 2014 230, or spend a little more and go ahead and get a 2015 230?

                                Is that new electronic shifting that much better? and I see there is a few extra stereo options


