Dealer and Warranty I crazy?

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  • UofM21
    • Oct 2013
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    Dealer and Warranty I crazy?

    Last edited by UofM21; 06-10-2015, 09:15 AM.
  • xrichard
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Aug 2008
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    • El Dorado Hills

    • 2023 G23

    I'll give you my perspective...take it for what it's worth. It sounds like what you have is a simple repair that has been botched by your dealer. On top of that, your dealer is trying to cover up their incompetence...literally and figuratively. Nautique says, "let's try someone else."

    Then you ask for a new boat because your boat has never been "new." This is where you lost me. A new boat because of an incompetent gel coat repair? To answer the thread header, yes...that is crazy. It's nothing that will affect the value or enjoyment of your boat moving forward. It's not a vibration that won't go away, a mechanical noise that can't be resolved, a structural issue with the hull that might fail in the future, or a defect that will impact resale value once it is repaired. Rather, from your description it sounds like a cosmetic issue that many here are comfortable repairing DIY.

    As a comparison, Nautique replaced the observer seat in my last boat three times IIRC (...could have been two...I'm not sure...there were quite a few vinyl issues resolved by replacing multiple seat bases, so I might have that particular seat confused with other parts that were replaced). On top of that, the original selling dealer was incompetent and every single repair required multiple trips to the dealer because they never got it right the first time. In any event, three times for a multiple other cushions...doesn't mean the boat wasn't new or that I should get a new one. Rather, I expected that Nautique stick with it and do their best to get the issues resolved. And it did.

    So, though you're frustrated, I'd encourage you to work with Nautique on resolving this particular issue and finding ways to avoid using your new dealer rather than asking for new boats.
    Previous boats:
    2015 G23
    2008 SAN 210
    2002 XStar
    1995 Sport Nautique

