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plug and play wakeshaper (surfgate hybrid) for wakesurfing... www.missionboatgear.com
Simplysanj,,, You have some great ideas. Show us more of this beautiful device ^^^. Have you mounted it? What does the surf wave look like?
I am working on it now, hope to get it installed in a week or two. I will start a new thread on the build. It will be open source so anybody can download, cut, tool and install. Be warned, it isn't a beginner's project.
The wakesurfshaper looks simple. I like the idea of pressure on the hull and not swim platform. Not wild about velcro but hey either spend for NSS or make adjustments! Wonder how well these work and how easy to put on in the water.
I messaged the guys at wakesurfshaper... If they are too expensive I'm pretty confident I can build that out of foam and two cutting boards with some stitched vinyl...
Let me know the price. If you build, glad to help. The design looks simple. Wonder how effective it will be since the wedge mounts farther up the hull than a surf gate or NSS.
They want 699 shipped. Little high for what it is. I think being farther up the hull isn't too bad, as long as it's out and off to the side... the fact that the water pressure from this holds it to the side of the boat, in my opinion, is the only way that this will work with velcro. I might try to piece something together using some cutting boards and foam (for floatation), and then if that works, wrap it in some vinyl to make it look pretty.
After doing some surfing today and watching the flow of water around the back of the boat, That shaper may not be a bad idea. The way the water flows around the transom, the shaper is a good good way to divert the water. That taper at the back of the boat makes it hard to add a device to move water. I am really curios how SimplySanj NSS will work. The flow of water around the back is not a simple square transom like most boats.
Im going to take a close look at water flow. Gome123 has a point about the stepped hull. Theskunk what will be your dimensions? I'm thinking about a template to match hull, cut a block of foam and fiberglass it. The water pressure would hold against the hull. Some duo lock would keep it in place. Tether it to the swim platform. I would probably just make one for port side. We're mostly goofy footed and surf wake better on goofy side.