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03' thru 09' 206 all have the same hull only difference 06'-09' if Hydrogate Equipped. 98' thru 02' Sport/Air all have the same hull.
206 will track much better, will have a smaller/softer slalom wake and the table for footing is way better then the Sport/Air. The boarding wake on the sport will be a little bigger.
Sport has a little better storage, floor locker is usable for ski's. 206 handles more like a tournament ski boat, tracks way better and turns flatter. 206 will be quicker and have a little more top end. Both ride equally well in rough conditions.
Have owned both and either one is a great boat, both will do everything really well.
I owned both the GT40 and the ex330. They were both good. I think the GT40 is generally considered better but not much.
Sent from my iPhone 7 prerelease
19 SANTE 210
08 SANTE 210 ZR6
08 SANTE 230 ZR6
04 Super Air 210 Team Edition Ex343- Loved that boat
96 Sport Nautique GT-40 - First Nautique
88 Baja Ski Sport- First boat
19 SANTE 210
08 SANTE 210 ZR6
08 SANTE 230 ZR6
04 Super Air 210 Team Edition Ex343- Loved that boat
96 Sport Nautique GT-40 - First Nautique
88 Baja Ski Sport- First boat
Excal first year was 02', Ford final production was also 02'.
Ford vs Chevy is more times then not going to be opinion as apposed to fact, lol. Have put about 500hrs on each of the above mentioned, Chevy required a little more maintenance (caps mostly) and also 1 LP fuel pump but runs a little quieter. Ford will be slightly quicker out of the hole, Chevy will have a little better lungs, either one makes a great ski boat motor. If I was choosing it would probably be the Excal however neither is a bad choice.
You can surf on a 206, but it is difficult. The sweet spot of the wave is VERY close to the platform and it takes some effort to stay in it. If surfing is your thing, the 206 would not be my first choice.