Surf Wave Erector (SWE)

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  • gome123
    • Apr 2014
    • 199

    • ID

    • 2005 SAN 210 Team

    Surf Wave Erector (SWE)

    So after many weeks of thinking and researching I finally decided to do something about it. No one has come up with a proven surf system for an OG 210. I have a 2005 SANTE 210. Last Sunday while we were out I studied the way water flows off the transom. Crappy part about this boat, is the stepped Transom and how the rub rails swoops down to meet the swim deck. (Looks BA though) Other boats are square and water flows differently. Now the idea of adding Surf systems is to divert the water and have it converge so it creates a nice wave on 1-side. (I took fluid dynamics in college, but it was an early class and most mornings my brain was still foggy.)

    This week I put my mad carpenter/plumbing/mechanical skillz to work and came up with the Surf Wave Erector (SWE). Hopefully someone hasn't trademarked it already or I will be getting hate mail and change my name. I have an idea how to mount for testing and if it works a removable version.

    My question to the PN family. Has anyone done this? How did it work? I may not be able to do testing until next week.

    (Maybe I will join the band wagon and patent this thing, everyone else is doing it... NAH, everyone can copy me)

    Enough me rambling... you want pictures.
  • glp86
    • May 2015
    • 49

    • Denver, CO

    • 2000 SAN

    Looks awesome so far! How are you planning on attaching it to the transom?

    I might have to copy your design for my 2000 SAN if this works well.


    • gome123
      • Apr 2014
      • 199

      • ID

      • 2005 SAN 210 Team

      For testing I am just going to rig it up to stay in place using a tie strap from the eye bolt you see in the pic to the handle above the deck. I will put a small bungee from the bottom adjuster to the swim bracket. I will also need to put another brace from the top corner of the swim bracket to the bottom-ish of the SWE. It will be done pretty primitive just to see if it works.

      Now if it works, My idea is to have a 1/4" Aluminum plate built that will be permanently attached to the boat. It will be shaped just like the "U" base you see in my SWE. Then I will have a few alignment pegs and 2 or 4 threaded screws that poke out. A new SWE will be built out of some better materials. The SWE will have holes that align with the pegs and threads. I will use turn knobs to attach to the permanent plate. Not sure if it makes sense. Once I do testing and this proto works I will do the final and post it up on the DIY.

      I also want to see if SimplySanj's idea works with his homemade NSS.


      • deelan
        • Jul 2015
        • 90

        • Denton, TX

        • 2015 SAN 210


        Originally posted by shag
        Maybe you could get Viagra as a co-sponsor..

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


        • ScooterMcgavin
          1,000 Post Club Member
          • Jul 2011
          • 1478

          • Florida

          • 2014 SAN 210 TE

          Looking forward to seeing how this affects your surf wave for sure.
          2009 Super Air Nautique 210 TE
          2006 Super Air Nautique 210 TE
          1989 Sport Nautique


          • Skidave
            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
            • May 2005
            • 697

            • York, PA

            • 2003 Air 206 Team Sold: 1979 Ski Nautique (Brown!)

            Would be cool to see before and after photos of the way it changes the water flow / surf wave. Love the prototype's hinge. I hope that was stock on hand...


            • jtryon
              • Jun 2011
              • 239

              • CT

              • 2007 Centurion Typhoon

              the pipe for adjusting the angle is perfect, i did the same on my supra's surf gate/erector/insertcodenamehere. i used the lower portion of a crutch with pinch-button height adjusters, and swivel wheel casters on the ends just like yours. no binding when the gate is moving in or out, and it only takes 10 seconds to open or close it. looks good, can't wait to see your results.


              • gome123
                • Apr 2014
                • 199

                • ID

                • 2005 SAN 210 Team

                WOOO!!! It worked!!! It was only my wife and I out today.
                Set up. Starboard 750 bag about 1/2 full, Port 750 bag full. Stock Belly Ballast full, 400 lb bag in bow about 1/2 full. Speed 9.8-10.0 was the sweet spot. I only set up for the Port Side as most of us only surf regular footed. (Only a few goofy footers but they are beginners).

                I started with the SWE at 0 deg (Say 0 deg to the center line of the boat longitudinally) wake sucked. I slowly adjusted further and further out until about 20 deg out was the sweet spot.

                I need to make the board that goes on the boat a bit more robust, it had some flex to it when running. I am going to now make Proto Type SWE 2.0. Stay tuned for more updates.

                I will say this... It was nice to produce a surfable wave without listing the boat.

                Also. Shag's comment above made me laugh. There is a reason I chose the word "Erector" HA!

                Now some pics for you see the results.


                • glp86
                  • May 2015
                  • 49

                  • Denver, CO

                  • 2000 SAN

                  Glad to see it worked out! I'm playing around with something similar currently and have been posting the results.

                  What are the dimensions of your plate?


                  • jtryon
                    • Jun 2011
                    • 239

                    • CT

                    • 2007 Centurion Typhoon

                    looks good, nice work!


                    • slidin_out
                      • May 2010
                      • 169

                      • 2003 Super Air Nautique Team Edition

                      Nice have an 03 and want to copy not gonna lie. Can you post some better pics of how you have it attached in your first run?


                      • jjsaustin
                        • Sep 2012
                        • 40

                        • Austin

                        • 2006 226

                        I did a similar temporary set up a few years back. See thread below if you want to see some different versions.


                        I'm starting to play with a nss style setup
                        Last edited by jjsaustin; 08-13-2015, 11:07 PM.


                        • gome123
                          • Apr 2014
                          • 199

                          • ID

                          • 2005 SAN 210 Team

                          Originally posted by glp86 View Post
                          Glad to see it worked out! I'm playing around with something similar currently and have been posting the results.

                          What are the dimensions of your plate?
                          The actual plate is 12" x 17". I see what you are doing. I like how you attached to the deck. I recommend taking your plate all the down to the bottom of the boat. If you look at my pictures Side 1.jpg below you can see I took all the way down. Most of the water flow comes off that bottom step. Take a look at your water flow next time you are out and you can see what I am talking about.

                          Originally posted by Slidn_out View Post
                          Nice have an 03 and want to copy not gonna lie. Can you post some better pics of how you have it attached in your first run?
                          Copy away!! That is why I am posting. Attached you will see a few more pic's of my ghetto attachment. I had to add that clamp and piece of wood to keep it attached to the boat.

                          Originally posted by jjsaustin View Post
                          did a similar temporary set up a few years back. See thread below if you want to see some different versions.
                          Thanks for your link! I see your 211 has a different hull shape. It would be hard to make a tab. I think an NSS would work best on yours. After looking at your thread I see you mentioned the lack of push, I wasn't able to test surf this round. Hopefully it has enough push. If not, I am going to have to come up with another idea.


                          • slidin_out
                            • May 2010
                            • 169

                            • 2003 Super Air Nautique Team Edition

                            Thanks that gives me something more to go on. I'm going to try and make one slides around the swim platform and is reinforced somehow with the platform bracket. **** hopefully we figure out a killer model for our generation boats and everyone can enjoy a cheap easy upgrade.


                            • gome123
                              • Apr 2014
                              • 199

                              • ID

                              • 2005 SAN 210 Team

                              Originally posted by slidin_out View Post
                              Thanks that gives me something more to go on. I'm going to try and make one slides around the swim platform and is reinforced somehow with the platform bracket. **** hopefully we figure out a killer model for our generation boats and everyone can enjoy a cheap easy upgrade.
                              If you make it out of wood use 3/4"-Ply for testing. I just used what I had in the garage and 1/2" Ply flexes way too much!! It is just a matter of time before something comes out. Another note, wood likes to float... it was kind of a pain to install once in the water.

                              Sanjay is now testing his verson of NSS in the DIY seciton. His design is awesome.

                              At my work we have a model shop. I heard we can use it for personal projects. Once I found this out, I put in for the training to use it. It was approved today! WOO HOO!! Now take the training and build a mounting plate. I have an idea... mjmaatman mounting idea is what I was thinking of doing by replacing the spacer. Stay tuned.

