I've got on order a 2016 230 but been looking to see if anybody out there has properly weighed there 230's? While its difficult I know to get the proper weight without taking the individual boat to a weighbridge, i'm hoping somebody has some real world figures to based some educated guessing off.
Boats going to sit on a tandem axle boat mate trailer. Boats got a fair chunk of factory options etc and of coarse full of fuel. I'm thinking a good estimates around the 6400 pound mark or (2900 kgs)
Anybody who could chime in with real world numbers would be great.
I've got on order a 2016 230 but been looking to see if anybody out there has properly weighed there 230's? While its difficult I know to get the proper weight without taking the individual boat to a weighbridge, i'm hoping somebody has some real world figures to based some educated guessing off.
Boats going to sit on a tandem axle boat mate trailer. Boats got a fair chunk of factory options etc and of coarse full of fuel. I'm thinking a good estimates around the 6400 pound mark or (2900 kgs)
Anybody who could chime in with real world numbers would be great.