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I read through that one, and i saw where nr2041 was showing he had factory ballast plus five people. i would guess setup to be about equal to that, but my wake looks nothing like his. see photo. (sorry for the steam, needs an impeller)
Checking out this thread and my first thought on this post was that hey, someone else must also be enjoying the pristine waters of SE Louisiana...and then thought that shot of the river looked very familiar, and then the boat appeared to be the same as some fella I met on the lake yesterday....I think I met you yesterday...I was in in blue and white 230...was that you in black and white 210?
last summer for surfing I was running port locker with sack on top of tank, I would say about 500 in port locker, 800# sack in floor, 350 in port seats, belly tank full, everyone except driver in port side of boat, we had a great surf wave with that setup, but would occasionally take on water through the vent, and boat was dicey to drive, could not turn right without lots of throttle, the new setup with the gate has a great wave, and best of all the boat is perfectly level, it does want to turn to whichever side the gate is on all the time but is manageable, good luck with your setup, keep playing with it and you will figure out what works best for your boat
Thanks man....! Blocking out Saturday to test it again. I'll Report back soon.
Checking out this thread and my first thought on this post was that hey, someone else must also be enjoying the pristine waters of SE Louisiana...and then thought that shot of the river looked very familiar, and then the boat appeared to be the same as some fella I met on the lake yesterday....I think I met you yesterday...I was in in blue and white 230...was that you in black and white 210?
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ah ha! man, it's a small internet! (or at least nautique owners). Yes, that was me. I'm determined to get this wake surf thing figured out. We'll be out in the tickfaw again soon. I'll be looking for you. Hopefully be riding a surf like nr2041's!!! Think i'm going to jump on that group buy for the underwater exhaust too.
Will do, just figuring out the wake as I have only had it since October...plan on trying out the surf thing next year. I would love to get a surf set in with you one day even as a guinea pig...nice and clean 210, always loved those decals. I still miss my 06!