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No the situation comes down to price. Sure anyone can want the most expensive boat but can they afford it? Not always. Therefore, if it is borderline, the salesman has to do his job to "open the eyes" of the buyer and show them where the real differences come in to make the buyer better justify his/her decision to spend the extra money.
The 206 is in my inventory and looking for a new home. . . . anyways, thanks for the kind words about my marina.
Not sure who you spoke with in the Nautique booth . . . but it can be very difficult when selling a boat. It really sounds like the person talking with you didn't qualify what motiviates you as a potential buyer. Perhaps safety of skiing might be what you were looking for and then the windshield might come into play, along with the reverse pulling the Nautique left, versus right, etc. Perhaps knowing you had the best construction and devices on your boat might have been what you were looking for (keyless entry, comparison of sound suppression technologies. . .novidamp versus the malibu dampening box, ame 5000 versus poly blend, etc., size differences, etc.).
If we ran across eachother M3Fan I think I would be looking to know what features of the malibu sold you on it and then go from there. I would really say that my biggest nightmare is when the customer comes in and says. . . "tell me why your boat is the best on the market"? Of course we all love Nautiques so this simple question could be a two week seminar. Then if the salesperson doesn't ask questions to help lead the conversation they end up guessing as in windshield safety, or tanks with Air package, etc. that leave the potential buyer aggrevated that the salesperson was of no help. Anyways. . . . just some things I run into and try to share with my sales people.
. . .. as I started with however. . . patriot and titainum 206 looking for a good home. . .any takers. . . .
skinautique & onthewater...I agree with you both. I have seen, or heard, of many people switching to CC from company X, not so many vice versa. However, I dont think they do this so they can find out what another boat company is like, I would assume that it is because their previous company had a large problem.
onthewater...were you at the chicago boat show? how does everbody know that most of the reason i was asking about that 216 was related to Rockford? wow i guess i gotta shut up sometimes...lol...its kinda weird when people answer your questions in posts that they know you are gonna ask or wonder about...lol....I guess it really is a community here...lol...
If only this topic was posted earlier, i would have had numerous pics of the NYC Intl. Boat show...One thing i found strange about it was that none of the boats there had any ZR6's. I would expect that that would be the best and most profitable time to show off thier hottest engine! Was there a boat with the ZR6 at Chicago? When I was there, I for a change found some guys that really knew what they were talking about. When i asked a question, they actually gave me an answer oppose to saying what whatever i was asking about called....There was a guy there from like the NorthEast division or something. He wasn't from any dealer in specific but i think he had to do with the northeast in some specific way. Becides our local guy, he really was helpful and knew everything about anything, esp. with the 211, because it was new to everyone.
[color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]
Alot of times, dealers don't have a market for a motor as big as the ZR6 so they don't order one to have at the show. They still have to sell the boat after the show. They can't just ship it back to the factory and tell them that it didn't sell during the show. They have to be somewhat conservative about what they order.
ski...true, true....but its not like no one buys ZR6's...I mean my family isn't looking for one without one! There are those guys out there where money isn't really in the picture for them right now. those are the guys that may be interested in the ZR6. It is a hotter engine. They must be selling, i mean they dropped the python, if they dont drop this, its gotta be doing okay. I know theres a dealer in AZ that orders most of his in-stock nautiques with ZR6's. He actually has a nice looking SAN with a python! He claims to have sold most of them, as if they are not a problem. And also, no one is ever gonna buy one if they dont hear about it and the word doesn't spread...the boat show is the time to do that and let the dealers try to promote the engine so maybe this season its not as unpopular as it is know. What i mean to say is how do the dealers expect to sell this engine if they dont even have ONE at the boat show?!
[color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]
Also skinautique...I like the sig!!!
My dad wanted to tie a ski handle to our dogs leash and write "you never stop feeling the pull." I said it was clever, but for the wrong family...lol...
[color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]
Also skinautique...I like the sig!!!
My dad wanted to tie a ski handle to our dogs leash and write "you never stop feeling the pull." I said it was clever, but for the wrong family...lol...
Accurate lines does make a dog leash that is a mini ski rope/handle. A must have for the dog owner!
2000 Ski Nautique GT-40
2016 SN 200 H5 www.Fifteenoff.com
You are right to an extent that it is harder to sell something that isn't in front to show but it can be done if you are a knowledgeable salesperson. If you were to approach a dealer and say that you wanted that motor, they would tell you that it is available and can be ordered. No problem. At the same time, how many people REALLY need this motor? Not many. The 330 is plenty powerful for 90 some percent of the boaters. I have skied behind both engines and you can't tell a whole lot of difference. Where it really makes a difference is in a boat like the 226 that is pushing the extra weight. Also, a dealer may have ordered one last year and could still be sitting on it so he didn't order one again. It all depends on who the dealer is and where they are located.
Thanks for the compliment on the signature.
If we ran across eachother M3Fan I think I would be looking to know what features of the malibu sold you on it and then go from there. I would really say that my biggest nightmare is when the customer comes in and says. . . "tell me why your boat is the best on the market"?
I am not sold on any boat right now. It will be a few years before I actually buy a boat. The RLXi is the first boat Malibu has made IMO that they have really nailed down properly. It is really hard to criticize becaues it is so plush and sweet. It is an awesome rig for the money. As a footer, I also like that it can go 50 mph.
If I had infinite money right now, I would have a loaded 206. We'll see where I am in 3-4 years.
2000 Ski Nautique GT-40
2016 SN 200 H5 www.Fifteenoff.com
The only boat at the chicago show with the upgraded engine was the Air 226 - Red & White. Both engine covers are red so a man on a fast horse would not necessarily see the differene. . . . (unless you see the sticker price on the boat). Option price for the upgrade engine is $3,800 MSRP. I agree with skinautique. . . . putting the 6.0 in inventory limits the amount of buyers that would consider that as a boat for them.
Ya about a couple months ago, maybe in late sept or something, when the 04s were just comming in, our local guy just put one together and we were some of the frst people to look at it. We asked about where the amp is located, i know that was a big question of many for the 04s. Then while the guy was looking around puzzled just as much as we were, i decided to pop the "hood" and take a look, even though i was 99% sure it was a 330. Frst thing i saw was a red cover and then went Wow or something. Then i saw the sticker that said 330. When the salesman looked at the engine my dad and i could see for a sec that he was confused temporarily about the engine being a ZR6 or not. (BTW, his boat was a 206, colored to be identical to the one in the catalog...awesome!)
Anyway, ski, your right, most people dont need the extra hp. However, most people could do with a 275, maybe for teh 211,206,and 196 only, but all engines i hear are really good.
[color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]
When asked about his new department, Warner had this to say “ I intend to help our dealers increase sales through product knowledge. It is my goal to help our dealers be even better ambassadors of the Nautique brand.”
This was taken from the "Meddock Announces Retirement" atricle on the home page. Hopefully it comes true in this case and many others. So far it's like dealerships either are really awesome with their Nautique knowledge or it doesn't exist.
I am not sold on any boat right now. It will be a few years before I actually buy a boat. The RLXi is the first boat Malibu has made IMO that they have really nailed down properly. It is really hard to criticize becaues it is so plush and sweet. It is an awesome rig for the money. As a footer, I also like that it can go 50 mph.
If I had infinite money right now, I would have a loaded 206. We'll see where I am in 3-4 years.
Do you like the new gelcoat design on the RLXi? I still haven't been able to warm up to that. I don't like how the stripe angles up so hard in the back half. It looks out of place to me. I also don't like the position of the windshield. The boat skis decent but I still don't think you can beat the Nautiques. Do you think that styling is going to look outdated or out of place in say 5-10 years?