Last slalom run of the year yesterday. The water was cold (39) but the air was great (55). Before I put my drysuit on, I was in shorts and a tee shirt. Absolute glass on the lake. Just my wife, dog and I. Neither of them wanted a set so it was just me.
Pulled the slalom course right after the run and then winterized the Nautique. Surfed a few hours later on my buddy's 210 and then winterized his boat as well. Once again it reminded how lucky I am to live on a private lake.
The lake will probably be frozen by next weekend. 63 sets in the slalom course (8 pass average for each set). Dozens of surf sessions. Increased my PB to -22 off. Almost made a 360. What a great year! Hate to see it end but 4 inches of snow are in the forecast for Wed. Bringing the snow skis in for a tuneup this week. -Marc

The lake will probably be frozen by next weekend. 63 sets in the slalom course (8 pass average for each set). Dozens of surf sessions. Increased my PB to -22 off. Almost made a 360. What a great year! Hate to see it end but 4 inches of snow are in the forecast for Wed. Bringing the snow skis in for a tuneup this week. -Marc