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Thanks again swc5150 for your help, will you mind taking a look SIA35570 and feed me back, I really love the boat, BUT, the price is way high
for the "establishment" if it was 20K I wouldn't think twice and buy it right away, best regards,nandfoch
The sad truth for us 196 owners is that the values are coming back down to earth. That '05 looks nice, but I wouldn't pay anywhere near that amount for it.
I did a spreadsheet on every boat available in the US over about the 3 month span while I was looking for my boat. Ended up with a 2001 but I was tracking all TSC hulls (1997-2009). I have 6 samples from 2005 in my list, from 15900-28900. I wouldn't spend more than $22K for one. The closest I found with similar hours sold for I believe it was $21.9K: