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My new G23 is under way and getting some special treatment too!
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It would feel a lot more awesome if my old boat was sold!! haha.... Getting nervous as this is the first time I've ordered a new boat and tried selling a boat on consignment! Praying that it sells quick now that the season is upon us...even though I know I'm gonna take a hit on it (thanks to the popularity of wakesurfing now and how unpopular my model xStar is with that!).
Got a few more pics today. Race City finally decided to go ahead and unwrap her (haven't been in a big hurry since we are still waiting on my boat to sell)! The more I see of her, the more pleased I am with the color choices! And of course, that is just a temporary trailer. Mine is on it's way!
Thanks guys! No I don't have any pics yet! I think the dealership is waiting to keep the full reveal a surprise to me until I get to make it down there. They had a demo on my old boat yesterday. Said it went well except one of the ballast pumps wasn't working but that should be an easy fix. And the only other problem was the heater didn't seem to warm up so they'll have to look at that as well. As for now, the family is thinking about it though...fingers crossed!!
If my new boat was just sitting at dealership I'd be freaking out and have to drive there to look everything over. Hopefully your old one sells soon and you can go pick up new one.
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