have heard a couple things with regards to spray solutions after usage, we pull our boat out every day and have always used expensive cleaner for help getting rid of river scum, have heard that this needs to have acid, or other items to do the trick, and hopefully not take the wax off totally, any suggestions
RE: wash down options
My old 76 can be a lot of work to keep looking good. I use it a lot but I treat it like a classic Corvette. So, I'm constantly waxing, touching up, etc.
My #1 suggestion is to apply a good wax. I tried multiple waxes (7).....which included everything from Nuwax to 3M. As far as I'm concerned, none of them even come close to Collinites #885 Paste Fleetwax. In fact, I'd go as far as saying, they are all crap. Go to http://www.thebestwax.com/boatwax.htm I turned three other boat owners on to the stuff last year......and all of them really like it. This is not a sissy wax. It's a lot more work to apply but it's worth the effort.
Second, immediately after pulling the boat out, I spray it down with Eagle Spray Wax while the boat is wet..... and wipe it down. It's cheap but it works. This method has worked well to fight off stains and keep a great shine between waxes.1976 Ski Nautique.....old but it\'s still going strong
RE: wash down options
ducky, light mix of CLR and water, vinegar and water----
i like duckey to spray it when you get out of the lake and do the wipe down----
i use CLR or vineger and water on the spots that have baked on----2008 SANTE 220 (current)
2004 SANTE 210 (gone)
1998 BAJA 252(gone)
2000 CARLSON (gone)
1992 MC MARISTAR 240 (gone)
1994 GLASTRON 175 (gone)
Captain Mike's Boat Cleaner
I was wondering if anyone could provide feedback about a boat cleaner my that my buddy found a case of in his barn.
I am looking for something that I can spray on and wipe off (on the gelcoat/fiberglass) in between waxes to keep the boat clean. I plan to use this cleaner right after I pull the boat out of the water, instead of hand washing it after every use.
The name of the cleaner is "Captain Mike's Boat Cleaner" It is made by a company called Tate Soaps and the website is www.tatesoaps.com.
Thanks in advance for any feedback possible.
Vinegar and Water works best
I have used it all, Duckey, CLR (diluted with water of course) and seems that water and vinegar works the best. Remember washing windows with Vinegar and water takes away the water spots, does not streak, and seems to keep the wax on the boat. If you are pulling the boat out of the water daily, there should not be that much hard water caked on. I wax my boat twice a year (before the season and before I store it) and spray and wipe with W&V after every use. Trust me, it works great and is cheap and does not hurt the gel coat.
As I am no expert, just very anal and have tried it all. This is my two cents worth.
- Jul 2003
- 529
- Eugene, Oregon
- 1999 Sport Naqutique 2005 Super Air Nautique Team Edition
RE: Vinegar and Water works best
Vinegar will strip the wax as will most acids. If it's strong enough to remove mineral deposits it's also going to remove your wax.How about \"Chales\"?
RIP Nikolai (\'05 SANTE) 5/23/05 - 4/30/06
I agree with luke 50/5o water vinegar mix i used after pulling the boat out every time. i owned a black boat and this was the only thing that would keep the water spots off. i would use a spray on wax after getting home. Spray bottle $2, bottle of distilled vinegar $3-$5, water free. usaully last about a month if i bought a big bottle of vinegar. Give this a try it works.
On my 89 and now on my 05 I used 3m Cleaner Wax with a high speed buffer to remove any oxidation or water spots, followed it up with Meguiars Premium Wax to bring out the deep gloss and after I pull the boat out of the water and chamois it down, I follow it up with Meguiars Quick Shine Spray Wax. Works amazingly and very easy, plus you don't smell like vinegar or CLR.
- Jul 2004
- 512
- Holiday Lakes, OH
- Current: 2002 Ski Nautique Closed Bow Previous: 1990 Ski Nautique, 1987 Ski Nautique 2001
I've been using Simple Green Marine Cleaner but it seems to take the wax off. I've heard that Babes Boat Cleaner is very good also. I kind of like the vinegar idea. I'm going to give it a shot. The water in our lake is very hard.Ski on dude!