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I've been trying to locate one of the "AIR NAUTIQUES" decals with the air force wakeboard in the center (like the enclosed jpg) but haven't had any luck. I'd like to find one 14" so wide for the back window of my truck, but it seems like no one carries them any more? Anyone have suggestions other than getting one custom made? I've been to our local Nautiques dealer and they didn't have any.
Do you mean like you want a plain one like on the back of the Air Nautiques that simply say "Air Nautique?" As in the ones on the back left or right corner, right were the ballast tanks empty the water out of? Because if that is the one, I dunno where i saw it, but it does look familiar as in on the web, not on a boat, meaning i must have seen it somewhere, i'll keep an eye out....
[color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]