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Don't know for sure...but my guess would be no. I had a 2005 and a 2010 226. Both of these had different hulls. First gen 226 went from 2003 to 2009. Second gen went from 2010 to 2012 or 13 I believe. Don't think either shared a hull with a 220.
I have an 05 226. Never compared to a 220. I understand that the 226 hull is more stepped at the stern. I would be interested in the differences between gen 1 226 and gen 2 and between 220 altogether. The gen 1 226 wake is nice for wakeboarding. Can make it steep or rampy. The boat is picky. I found that filling stock ballast and having two fat bricks to move around works best. The fat bricks compensate for passenger weight. Surfing is good. Pocket can be a little short.