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We took out our 02 for the first time this weekend and I was curious best way to weight it for surfing? Most of the time it's just my wife and I so for best results should I fill all 3 tanks?
With your boat you're gonna need a lot of weight on the side you're surfing on (especially if it's just you and your wife) and/or invest in some sort of "surf system" or "wedge" setup. You can try and get a few fat sacs and put at least a 500lb'er in the locker of the side you're surfing on and another on the bench seat on the surfing side. Fill the rear hard tank of the surfing side and the belly tank. Leave the rear tank on the non surfing side empty. It's what I use to do before installing the GoSurfAssist System on my boat. http://www.planetnautique.com/vb5/fo...n/479912-at-go
Thanks. I love the GSA system. Makes things so much easier. Yes, the pipe is a Fresh Air Exhaust pipe. They will make their pipe fit any boat. Check the "group buy" section of the site. I think they're doing a discount right now for a limited time. I love mine! boat is soooo much quieter for the person surfing and for the people sitting on the sun deck.
I run mine stock like stated above. It's tough to stay in the pocket but definitely possible. With stock ballast only run one of the rears the belly and speed about 8.5-8.8. It's no g but it's possible to surf with stock ballast. Can't go much over the speed I listed or the wave disappears.
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