So I'm looking at 2007 SV-211, 2010 216V and 2009 216V - all are relatively close in price. I think I'm sold on the 216v, but want to make sure I'm not missing anything. The 2009 216V looks well maintained, but lacks LINC, 2010 216V lacks heaters, but has LINC and 100 hrs less than the 2009. the SV-211(2007) is nearby, in really good condition, team edition with many bells/whistles, including a nice trailer, but seems a bit pricey. Long-term I think we're looking to make this a family/friends boat and may take out on a great lake on occasion. I'm a newbie, so your thoughts are welcomed.
- Jun 2008
- 521
- Frisco, TX
- 2021 G23 2019 G23 (Sold) 2013 G25 550XR (Sold) 2009 216V (Sold)
I agree the 216V is a great family boat that can do it all. I would recommend that you ask when the 2010 was originally sold and if you would be the second owner. If the boat was holdover and sold in 2011 you might have a few months left in warranty. There are a few things I warrantied on my 2009 that would be worth having done under warranty if there are a few months left and the items would more than pay for the $300 warranty transfer fee. Alternatively you might could negotiate that the prior owner do the items under warranty before transfer. PM me if you want more info