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I have a 2007 210 Air Nautique and I need to replace my wakeboard racks but I need to hold wakeboards, kneeboards, and a surf board, does anyone have a preference or suggestion on what kind to get?
Best bang for you buck as extra racks are the Krypt/ Bullet lines racks. I have never had one issue or failure. Their finish isn't the most refined but they are the most solid bomb proof simplistic design. There are higher end racks out there for example Samson and Roswell . But the Krypt Quick Realease racks are my favorite by far for the money. Simple in and off is less than 15 seconds and not one has ever rattled loose. Again if you're looking for higher end rack with some high polished chrome and bling. Not necessarily the right call , but if you're looking for function, durability, and budget friendly the quick release style from Krypt is a home run.
They have an ebay store which usually saves you 15-20 bucks