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The belly storage hatch is going to be different from the 98 super sport to the 2002 SAN. That will throw off all the measurements. If you do do this please post the templates that would be awesome for all us 2002 SAN owners.
Here are some pics of my '02 I did last year...my template should still be on file at Seadek. I made the template. You will notice the goofy break in the transition piece right before the bow section...this had to do with how Seadek has to portion the material according to the size of their raw sheets. I need to re-do a couple of sections for personal preference. The reason I didn't do it before is because I had a trip planned and didn't have time to make all the desired corrections--so I just ran with it as is.
Also, the day I installed the Seadek, I experienced what Seadek calls "light amplification", where the sun reflects off the gelcoat and literally melted the bow section and the port side rear corner. It's the same as frying an ant on the sidewalk with a magnifying glass...Seadek was good enough to reproduced the damaged pieces and get them to me in time for my trip. Just wish I knew about this anomaly ahead of time--means that I cannot leave my boat trailered uncovered(as long as there is any movement when floating,it's fine). Seadek said this has only happened in about 1% of their boats...said that in rounded corners where the prism effect occurs you can put some kind of non-reflective material on to prevent this. I did not want that look. Unfortunately, I had to put the carpet bolster back on the rear seat section--this after I had paid to have a shop gelcoat it Silver Cloud--turned out beautiful, but the rear corner was melting. Seadek also offered to remake my entire template out of lighter colored Seadek material, which I did not care for. I really like the Teak over Black color scheme.
rman, you may be able to get a copy of my template from Seadek, then if I was you I would make the modifications to fit your boat, as well as how you want your layout and look to be. Every boat is just a little different. Also, some of the gaps were wider than I expected, but overall I am really happy that I replaced the carpet with Seadek, the family loves it, and I get tons of compliments from people everywhere I go.
Props to guys like scarbs, 98san, and Grant West for the inspiration to make the change! Many hours of labor removing carpet, scraping, and sanding though!
Thanks for posting the pics and information, it looks fantastic great job! After removing the carpet and glue did you have to buff and polish the areas where the gel coat would show?